Мультимедийный курс Развитие навыков аудирования Хабаровск 2007

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Английский язык. Мультимедийный курс. Развитие навыков аудирования : методические указания для развитие навыков аудирования для студентов I курса всех специальностей / сост. С. Е. Мельчагова. Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан гос ун-та, 2007. 48 с

Английский язык

Мультимедийный курс

Развитие навыков аудирования

Хабаровск 2007

Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Тихоокеанский Государственный Университет»

Английский язык

Мультимедийный курс

Развитие навыков аудирования

Методические указания

для развития навыков аудирования

для студентов I курса начального этапа обучения

всех специальностей


Издательство ТОГУ


УДК 681.3.06 (­­­07)

Английский язык. Мультимедийный курс. Развитие навыков аудирования : методические указания для развитие навыков аудирования для студентов I курса всех специальностей / сост. С. Е. Мельчагова. - Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан. гос. ун-та, 2007. - 48 с.

Методические указания разработаны на кафедре «Иностранные языки». Методические указания содержат упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков аудирования для студентов I курса всех специальностей на начальном этапе.

Печатается в соответствии с решениями кафедры «Иностранные языки» и методического совета международного факультета.

© Тихоокеанский


университет, 2007


Общие положения ..................................................................... 4

1. Entertaining ........................................................................... 6

2. Fine dining ........................................................ .................. ...... 8

3. Coffee, tea, dessert . .............................................................. 10

4. Meal planning .. ....................................................................... 1 2

5. Checking account .................................................................. 14

6. Budget ....................................................................................... 1 6

7. Tennis ......................................................................................... 1 8

8. Outdoor activities ..................................................... .... ....... 20

9. Change of career ................................................................... 2 2

10. Daily schedules .................................................................... 2 4

11. L unch date rescheduling .................................................. 2 6

12. Directions - public transport .......................................... 2 8

13. Airport - exchanging money ............................................. 30

14. Getting around the airport ............................................. 3 2

15. Family relationships .......................................................... 3 4

16. Morning routine .................................................................. 3 6

Film scripts ................................................................................... 3 8

Общие положения

События, происходящие в мире, заставляют по-новому взглянуть на роль иностранных языков. Открываются границы, возможность выехать зарубеж становится просто и доступно. Миграционные потоки захлестнули весь земной шар. Если раньше не все могли посмотреть мир, то сегодня такая возможность появилась у очень многих. При таких условиях требуются знания даже не одного иностранного языка. Иностранный язык приобретает новый статус, становясь посредником в межкультурной коммуникации.

Становление профессионала в любой отрасли означает выход на высокой коммуникативный уровень не только в пределах своей страны, но и зарубежными партнерами. В таких условиях требуются расширенные знания иностранного языка, как устного, так и письменного.

На сегодняшний момент целью изучения иностранного языка становится не только чтение и понимание иноязычных текстов (как было ранее), но и практическое владение иностранным языком на уровне межкультурной коммуникации. Одним из шагов овладения иностранным языком является понимание устной речи, которое успешно развивается через аудирование. Аудирование при использовании современных компьютерных технологий превращается в интерактивный процесс, в котором задействуются все виды перцепции.

Стремительное развитие компьютерных технологий предоставляет нам возможность по-новому строить образовательный процесс. У нас появились возможности новых методов изучения иностранных языков. Появились мультимедийные обучающие комплексы, которые можно очень успешно можно использовать в процессе изучения иностранных языков.

Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию методический материал, который успешно внедряется нами в лингво-педагогическую практику. Данную форму обучения можно отнести к методам компьютерной лингводидактики. Поскольку использование таких методов осуществляется при помощи современных компьютерных технологий.

Материал рассчитан на студентов начального этапа обучения и состоит из 16 тем. Каждая тема сопровождается видеороликом. Методические указания разработаны согласно каждому мини-фильму. Предложенные задания направлены на закрепление лексики темы, способствуют более полному пониманию иноязычной речи.

Цели и задачи методических указаний

Данные методические указания ставят своей целью развитие навыков аудирования студентов с практическим использованием лексических единиц посредством разнообразных упражнений.

Методические указания предназначены как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы студентов на начальном этапе изучения английского языка.

Методические указания помогут студентам понять структуру английского языка и его использование в диалогической и монологической видах речи.

1. Entertaining

Vocabulary notes

congratulations поздравления

perfect совершенный, прекрасный

voice голос

appealing привлекательная

to wake up пробудиться

to motivate мотивировать

mood настроение

to be going to собираться ч-л делать

concept понятие(концепция), идея

to argue спорить

mix соединение, смесь

entertainment развлечение

at least по крайней мере

important важный

actually фактически

viewpoint точка зрения

do stuff делать вещи

curious любопытный

headlines заголовки, новости


Suggest the Russian equivalents

News, program, even, every, begin, positive, to get up, every, change, believe, more, people, less, question, public, aunt, nice, special, almost, cool.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Youre the … … for WMJTs news program.

2. Youll be even more … than Katie Baxter ever was.

3. It will … me to begin the day in a … mood.

4. Who will … me to get up … day at half past … .

5. Are you going to change the … of the program?

6. After all, it is a … program.

7. Thats one … , but other people think that its … important.

8. Why do you … her?

9. Shes almost as … as Mom.

10. But Moms not as … as she is.

11. Christopher is as … as a cat, and Emma is even … curious!

12. … on your new job, Kristin!

Answer the questions

1. Who motivates Jeff to begin the day in a positive mood?

2. Is Kristin going to change the concept of the program?

3. Who is not as cool as Kristin is?

4. Who is as curious as a cat?

5. Who got congratulations on a new job?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Поздравляю, Кристина. У тебя прекрасный голос для программы новостей!

2. Ты будешь меня каждое утро.

3. Мы все еще спорим по этому поводу.

4. Вообще-то, это более важно!

5. Вопрос в том - чего хочет публика.

6. Она очень красивая и особенная.

7. Иногда она разрешает делать вещи, которые мама никогда не позволяет.

8. Кристофер любопытный как кошка.

9. Время для сегодняшних новостей.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one
2. Fine dining

Vocabulary notes

reservation бронь

how many сколько

to be glad рад

wonderful прекрасный

apartment квартира

decision решение

percent процент

to be ready готов

available доступный, свободный

next рядом, близко

to sound звучать

to arrive прибывать

fire place камин


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Think, excuse, welcome, hundred, really, beautiful, window, perfect, get, on the road, to stay, wanted, night, to spend

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Do you have a … ?

2. Its a … for four, but its not in … name...

3. Excuse … .

4. How … you?

5. … to Boston, Rachel.

6. Im here … my loved ones.

7. Im a … percent … .

8. Theres one available … the window.

9. That sounds … .

10. I asked her to stay at … house.

11. I … last night, after two days on the … .

Answer the questions

1. How many people was the table reserved for?

2. What decision did Rachel make?

3. Where did they choose the table?

4. How many days was Rachel on the road?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. У вас забронировано?

2. У меня чудесная новая работа, отличная квартира.

3. Я уверена на 100%.

4. Бостон – действительно красивое место.

5. Наш столик готов?

6. Я прибыла прошлой ночью, после двух дней пути.

7. Но я хотела провести первую ночь в моей новой квартире.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

3. Coffee, tea, dessert

Vocabulary notes

important важный

charts чарты

to guess думать, полагать

anyway в любом случае

disaster проблема, катастрофа

to happen происходить, случаться

terrible ужасный

everything всё

on time вовремя

to kid шутить

tape recorder магнитофон

to forget забывать

to notice замечать

to worry беспокоиться

to order заказывать

dessert десерт

delicious вкусный

to sound



Suggest the Russian equivalents

Interview, number, end, beginning, at first, sit down, questions, record, turn on, just, excuse, chocolate, cheesecake, wonderful, fantastic, really, apple pie.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Kristin … me that you had an important … .

2. Mick Morrison is number one on the … !

3. … , how did it … - the interview?

4. In the … it went fine, but the beginning was ... .

5. … went fine at first.

6. We sat down I … my questions, but...

7. I didnt … … my tape recorder.

8. Dont … . At my first … . I forgot my … .

9. Are you … to order dessert … ?

10. Thats a sort of … pie. Its really … .

Answer the questions

1. Who had an important interview with Mick Morrison?

2. What is Mick Morrison?

3. How did interview go at the beginning and in the end?

4. What did Tom forget turn on?

5. What is really delicious?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Я пришел вовремя, он пришел вовремя, мы сели.

2. Я не включил диктофон.

3. Через некоторое время я это заметил.

4. Не беспокойся.

5. Вы готовы заказать десерт?

6. Это сорт яблочного пирога.

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

4. Meal planning

Vocabulary notes

to need нуждаться в

a lot of много

excellent превосходный

responsibility ответственность

co-workers сотрудники

to miss скучать

to move on переезжать

decision решение

to believe верить

point точка зрения

grocery list список продуктов

tonight сегодня вечером

actually фактически

except кроме

to invite приглашать

noodles лапша

onions лук

garlic чеснок

mushrooms грибы

basil базилика

ground beef говяжий фарш

everything всё


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Come in, love, job, interesting, great, wonderful, something, else, right, really, forget, to cook, together, leave out, go out.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Do I … anything?

2. How was … day?

3. Its … interesting.

4. My co-workers are … and Im … a wonderful time.

5. But I wanted to do … else.

6. I liked … very much.

7. Don’t … that I need to … in Boston.

8. What are you … , making a grocery list?

9. Lets … in.

10. Do you want to … lasagne?

11. I have everything … for the mushrooms and the ground beef.

12. Well cook it … .

Answer the questions

1. Who liked teaching very much?

2. Who wanted to move on?

3. What was Tom doing?

4. What do they need?

5. What was a good idea?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Мне нужно много овощей.

2. Я люблю эту работу.

3. Ты скучаешь по преподаванию?

4. Я приняла правильное решение.

5. Мне надо жить в Бостоне.

6. Ты хочешь приготовить сегодня ужин.

7. Вообще-то я хотел пригласить тебя в один милый маленький ресторанчик.

8. Нам конечно нужна лапша.

9. У меня есть всё, кроме грибов и говяжьего фарша.

10. Давай сделаем вегетарианскую лазанью.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

5. Checking account

Vocabulary notes

account счет

to call звонить

options варианты

checking проверка

account representative сотрудник по связи с клиентами

deluxe checking account счет до востребования высшего класса

to maintain поддержать(обслужить)

balance баланс

common обычный

practice практика

to mean означать

checking account счет до востребования

maybe возможно

combined balance объединенный баланс

savings сбережения

to drop понижаться

to sound звучать

else еще

free services бесплатные услуги

regular account обычный счет

to make up my mind решить


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Bank, at any special time, just, minimum, must, high, still, below, to keep, listed.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. What … do you have to be at the … to open your new … ?

2. They … I can talk to an … … in person.

3. Id … to open a deluxe checking account.

4. Thats … practice.

5. … I can have a … balance of three thousand between the … and the … .

6. At my bank, I dont have to … as high a balance.

7. That … better than three … .

8. I like all the free services that … with the deluxe account.

9. Do you have to … the services.

10. Well, … you can get some of … with the regular … .

11. You … have to yet.

Answer the questions

1. What time does Rachel have to be at the bank to open a new account?

2. What account would Rachel like to open?

3. What does Rachel like to have that come with the deluxe account?

4. Did she make up her mind to open a new account?

5. Who helps her in making the decision?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Я хочу открыть счет до востребования высшего класса.

2. Могу ли я иметь совмещенный баланс в три тысячи на счетах «до востребования» и сберегательном?

3. Мне только нужно иметь двадцать пять сотен на обоих счетах.

4. Это звучит лучше, чем три тысячи.

5. Мне нравятся все бесплатные услуги, входящие в комплект счет высшего класса.

6. Возможно, некоторые из них ты можешь получить вместе с обычным счетом.

7. Давай пойдем в банк сейчас.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

6. Budget

Vocabulary notes

fine прекрасный

upstairs наверх

the same то же самое

otherwise иначе

to refuse отказываться

must должен

story история

once upon a time когда-то

to be going over переходить

bills счета

to go up повышаться

electric электрический

careful осторожный

though хотя

reason причина

to take care заботиться

to cooperate сотрудничать

enough достаточно

have to должен, приходится

to turn off выключать

to agree соглашаться

to insist on настаивать на

lower costs более низкие затраты

to mean означать

vacation каникулы

true верный

to afford предоставлять

churches церкви

castles замки

to hope надеяться

to manage справляться

camp лагерь

to swing замахнуться

to pinch pennies экономить


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Everything, always, to go to bed, little cat, month, really, really high, should, more, shut things off, it is getting colder, always, better job, video games, somewhere, architecture, remember, as much as possible.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Is everything … upstairs?

2. … they refuse to go to bed.

3. Im going over the … from this month.

4. They really … up.

5. We should be … careful, shut things … when were not using ...

6. The electric bills … higher in … .

7. We … get Emma and Christopher to … , too.

8. Well … to insist on that.

9. And Id like … to afford to go somewhere … nice this year.

10. Good food, nice weather, a lot of … architecture, churches, ....

11. I … well be able to … it.

12. And the … want to go to camp again this … .

13. Yes, but well have to … pennies as much as possible.

Answer the questions

1. What is the problem of talking?

2. What must the children turn off?

3. When will they have lower costs again?

4. Where are they going to this summer and why?

5. Why do they also have to go to Los Angeles?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Мне всегда приходится рассказывать им одну и ту же историю.

2. Однажды жила-была маленькая кошка.

3. Они действительно выросли.

4. Счета за электричество всегда в зимнее время выше.

5. Мы должны настоять на этом.

6. Летом тарифы снова понизятся.

7. Теперь они достаточно взрослые.

8. Они должны выключать видеоигры.

9. Я надеюсь, мы сможем это сделать.

10. А дети снова хотят поехать этим летом в лагерь

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

7 . Tennis

Vocabulary notes

to beat биться

outfit спортивный костюм

chance шанс

to be going to собираться что-то делать

winner победитель

doubles двое на двое

for sure наверняка

mirror зеркало

to wow восхищаться (ого)

to be sure быть уверенным

give a run for money придется попотеть

quite весьма

twice дважды

to be looking forward to с нетерпением ждать

almost почти

to expect ожидать


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Getting back, the first time, might, player, outfit, I think like, may lose.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Whats … on?

2. For the first time in … years?

3. … are you … to beat?

4. You … have a chance.

5. Нes a good ….

6. But I think like a … .

7. That … be a good idea.

8. And today Im looking … to a match … a strong young … !

9. But Ill give you a … for your money!

10. Its … four oclock

11. Have a … game!

Answer the questions

1. Who is getting back into sports for the first time in five years ?

2. Who is a good player?

3. What does Rachel recommend to do?

4. How often does David play tennis?

5. Who is David looking forward to a match against?

6. How does David want to beat Tom?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Что происходит?

2. Я собираюсь победить его.

3. Кого ты собираешься обыграть?

4. Возможно у тебя есть шанс.

5. Почему бы не сыграть двое на двое.

6. Он в этом уверен.

7. Ты действительно хорошо играешь?

8. Я играю достаточно часто.

9. Как насчет игры парами?

10. Я хочу обыграть тебя один на один.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

8. Outdoor activities

Vocabulary notes

outdoor уличный

grapes виноград

to be exhausted выматываться, уставать

point суть, смысл

power walking спортивная ходьба

to guess полагать, считать

different различный

jogging бег трусцой

would rather

again снова

really в самом деле

grumpy раздражен

early рано

still всё ещё

habits привычки

clothes одежда

unshaven небритый

rumpled мятый

to show up появиться, показаться

to get out of breath выдыхаться

right away сразу же

at all совсем

to collapse разрушать

almost почти

exhaustion истощение, усталость

quite вполне, совсем

to be embarrassed смущаться

Queen Lake озеро королевы

horseback riding верховая езда

to join присоединяться

to be sure быть уверенным

buy (bought) покупать

tickets билеты

certainly конечно, разумеется

at the latest самое позднее

plenty много

to get ready готовиться

Id rather я хотела бы

enough достаточно

to shower сполоснуться под душем


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Some, would you like, rather, maybe, here, walk, fast, like, lets, called, Saturday morning, both, wanted, health nut, anyway, walking, just, a short time, more, than, happened, we took a taxi, come home, be back, earlier.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Would you like … grapes?

2. Isnt that the point of … walking?

3. I really like it. Its so … from jogging. Lets do this … week.

4. Maybe Tom would … not do that … me again?

5. But he was really … .

6. … , he showed up at my door … and in … clothes.

7. We went … … for just a short time, but he got out of … right away.

8. He almost … from exhaustion, so we … a taxi home. He was … embarrassed!

9. Davids going to … , and the children are going to go … riding. Would you like to … us?

10. Well … be back by seven at the latest. Youll have … of time to get … for the theatre.

Answer the questions

1. What is so different from jogging?

2. Where did Tom and Rachel live when Rachel called Tom early one Saturday morning?

3. Was he glad after power working?

4. Where is Kristin going next Saturday?

5. What is David going to do there?

6. What did Tom buy for Saturday night?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Это очень отличается от бега трусцой.

2. Тогда я не знала его привычек.

3. Он так падал от усталости, что пришлось взять такси.

4. Следующее воскресенье? Я не уверена. Том приобрёл билеты в театр.

5. Дети собираются покататься на лошадях, а Дэвид - порыбачить.

6. Я бы хотела прийти домой пораньше.

7. Мы вернёмся к шести.

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

9. Change of career

Vocabulary notes

change изменение

gym teacher учитель физкультуры

whole весь, целый

physical education department департамент по физической культуре и спорту

full-time работа целый день

colleagues коллеги

lucky везучий

health food nut сторонник здоровой пищи

enough достаточно

entire целый, весь

rather довольно-таки

apartment квартира

list список

stuff принадлежности, инвентарь

pots кастрюли

pans сковородки

basics основные продукты

mirror зеркало

furniture мебель

else ещё

kids дети

buy (bought) покупать (купил)

to care заботиться


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Now, coordinator, administrative, friendly, really, sugar, know, sugar cubes, energy, heavy afternoon, new things, next, cooking, bathroom, chairs, basically.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. It is a ... change.

2. I was ... full-time.

3. Im ... a lot of ... work.

4. Youre ... then.

5. I never have ... with my coffee.

6. Thats enough ... for an entire day.

7. It was rather a ... afternoon.

8. but I ... a lot of new ... for my new apartment.

9. What ... do you have? Three chairs, a table, a sofa...

10. We bought ... this afternoon.

Answer the questions

1. Who was a gym teacher?

2. Where does Rachel work?

3. What kind of work does she do?

4. Who is the health food nut?

5. What stuff does Rachel have for the kitchen?

6. What else does Rachel need for the living-room?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. А как твои коллеги?

2. Они действительно милые люди.

3. Это достаточное количество энергии на целый день.

4. Этот день был довольно тяжелый.

5. Мне нужно много вещей для новой квартиры.

6. Что следующее по списку?

7. У меня есть кухонные принадлежности.

8. Мне всё ещё нужно большое зеркало.

9. Мы достаточно купили сегодня

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

10. Daily schedules

Vocabulary notes

scene сцена

to take place происходить

twice дважды

successful успешный

career карьера

wonderful чудесный

way способ

important важный

to get up вставать

sometimes иногда

always всегда

never никогда

wise мудрый

to take it easy воспринимать с легкостью

Youre welcome пожалуйста

still всё ещё


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Picture, here, to have a party, to live, to visit, to plan, everything, usually, to have breakfast, to leave, to have dinner, to work, like today, to begin, to forget, journalist, more than, help, this way.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Is that Emma and Christopher in … picture?

2. What are you all … here?

3. Were … , and dancing, and … fun.

4. The children … LA.

5. You have it all! How do you do it?

6. Plan … !

7. What time do … get up?

8. We have … at seven.

9. … do you go to work?

10. And … I go to the office.

11. And when do you … ?

12. A journalist … stops.

13. Thank you … … for your help, Kristin.

Answer the questions

1. Who was in these pictures?

2. What were they doing at the party?

3. Who lives in Los Angeles (LA)?

4. When do they have breakfast?

5. What time does Kristin begin her working day?

6. How much time does Tom have before interview?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. У нас вечеринка.

2. Мы поём, танцуем, веселимся.

3. Где всё это происходит?

4. Успешная карьера и чудесная семья.

5. Как тебе это удаётся?

6. Есть только один путь добиться этого - план.

7. Когда ты идёшь на работу?

8. Я всегда начинаю работу в пол девятого.

9. Журналист никогда не заканчивает работу.

10. Том, спокойно.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

11. L unch date rescheduling

Vocabulary notes

rescheduling – изменение расписания

politician политик

dangerous опасный

twins близнецы

cute милый

by the way между прочим

to forget (forgot) забывать

to postpone откладывать

too слишком

urgent срочный

approval одобрение

to suppose предполагать

geez господи

to try стараться, пытаться

right now прямо сейчас

head глава

to quit уходить

notice замечание, предупреждение

sick больной

on top of it all кроме того, в добавок

to prepare готовиться

audit проверка бухгалтерская

enough достаточно

to wow ого (восхищаться)

to be in trouble быть в беде

to deal with иметь дело с

early в начале


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Wants, become, think, sleep, night, sometime, come over, weekend, really, the same time, mean, another, meeting, project, start, next week, important, come,department, without, too much, team, guys.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Emma … to be a politician and Christopher wants to … a pilot.

2. That … is too dangerous!

3. You have a boy and a girl, … ?

4. Yes, theyre six … .

5. Do they sleep through the … yet?

6. And Im very … about that.

7. Id like to see them … .

8. I cant make it this … .

9. I cant come to the meeting … … .

10. I cant be in two … at the same … .

11. I need to be at … meeting tomorrow … .

12. The department head quit … notice, two … on the … are out sick.

13. What were we … about?

A nswer the questions

1. How many children does Michael have?

2. How old are they?

3. Why cant David come over on Saturday or Sunday to see twins of Michael?

4. Why cant Michael come to the meeting tomorrow morning?

5. Who is in trouble now?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Это профессия слишком опасная.

2. У Эммы день рождений, и конечно мы устраиваем для неё вечеринку.

3. Я не могу быть одновременно в двух местах.

4. Я хотел бы отложить, но не могу.

5. У нас просто не хватает людей в данный момент.

6. Мы перенесём встречу.

7. Так когда я могу увидеть малышей?

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

12. Directions - public transport

Vocabulary notes

soccer футбол

star звезда

to do well учиться хорошо

still всё ещё

on the way по пути

to worry беспокоиться

to take care заботиться

to apply подавать заявление

to take the bus сесть на автобусе

stage door служебный вход

to get off сходить

to turn повернуть

across через

main главный

entrance вход

sure конечно


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Public, transport, come in, sit down, fine, at this moment, maybe, concert hall, driving, listen, could, near, bus stop, use, repeat.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Come in. … , sit down.

2. How are … and the children?

3. David is still in … .

4. Dont worry about your sister.

5. She … in Chicago and you … here in Boston?

6. Youre on your … to the concert hall?

7. Are you … your car today?

8. Listen, … you give me directions?

9. The bus … is near the concert hall.

10. Go to your … , then turn … at the corner.

11. … right, … left, and the concert hall is just … the street.

Answer the questions

1. Who is a soccer star?

2. Whom is Tom going to interview?

3. Is Tom driving the car today?

4. What entrance must Tom use?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Эмма хорошо учится в новой школе.

2. Я о ней хорошо забочусь.

3. Она подаёт документы на работу в Бостоне.

4. Ты на машине сегодня?

5. Ты можешь показать мне путь?

6. Автобусная остановка возле концертного зала.

7. Не могла бы ты повторить?

8. Выйди из автобуса, поверни направо, поверни налево.

9. Концертный зал на той стороне улицы.

10. Справа есть служебный вход.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

13. Airport - exchanging money

Vocabulary notes

exchange rate обменный курс

pound фунт стерлинг

again снова

receipt квитанция

Youre welcome пожалуйста

numbers числа

scientist ученый

first первый

trip поездка

to meet встречаться

researcher исследователь

colleague коллега


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Today, dollar, half, one and a half, excuse, hello, fine, plane, nice, great, journalist, reporter, boss.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Today the exchange … is one to one and a … .

2. Its one British … for one and a … U.S. dollars.

3. Rachel is on the … to Chicago … , but Im fine.

4. Hes a … , but numbers—theyre a … for him.

5. Its my first … to England.

6. Tom is my sisters … .

7. Its … to meet you.

8. Im the … and shes the … .

9. We are all … .

Answer the questions

1. What is the exchange rate?

2. Where is Rachel on the plane?

3. What is David?

4. Where is the first trip of David to?

5. Who is a boss?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Сегодня обменный курс - один британский фунт за один с половиной американский доллар.

2. Как поживаете?

3. Он учёный, но цифры для него проблема.

4. Это моя первая поездка в Англию

5. Приятно познакомится с Вами.

6. Очень рад встретить вас.

7. Мы коллеги.

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

14. Getting around the airport

Vocabulary notes

through через

south юг

east восток

west запад

passengers пассажиры

flight рейс

to proceed проходить

gate ворота

to board начинать посадку

honey дорогой

luck везение, удача

to stay останавливаться

to head for направляться

day off выходной день

parking garage парковочный гараж

parking lot парковка

concourse ряд


Suggest the Russian equivalents

On my way, meeting, traveling, near, plane, Saturday, here, across, raining.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Where are you … in England, David?

2. Bristol is a … in the south of England.

3. Its … of London.

4. … for Magna Carta Airways, … 867 to London, please … to gate C24.

5. Rachel is on the … to Chicago, and David is … to England.

6. Im … for a meeting at the office.

7. Im … the day off.

8. Its … and its cold.

9. My car is in the parking … .

10. Its in the parking lot, … from Concourse B.

Answer the questions

1. Where is David going?

2. What does he have in Bristol?

3. When will David come back to Boston?

4. Where are Kristin and Tom staying?

5. Who is on the plane to Chicago?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Я еду на встречу в Бристоль.

2. Это к западу о Лондона.

3. Увидимся в субботу.

4. А мы остаёмся в Бостоне.

5. Я направляюсь на встречу в офис.

6. У меня выходной.

7. Моя машина в парковочном гараже.

8. Увидимся.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

15. Family relationships

Vocabulary notes

to meet встречаться, знакомиться

the first time впервые

a long time ago давным давно

to remember помнить

farmers market фермерский рынок

to bye (bought) покупать

lucky везение

the dairy stand молочный прилавок

to happen происходить

would like хотелось бы

together вместе

to get married жениться

farmer фермер

dairy farmer молочник

cow корова

horse лошадь

chicken цыпленок, курица

aunt тётя

uncle дядя

dish блюдо

daddy папочка

piece кусок, часть

kiss поцелуй


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Winter morning, saw, tall, man, needed, some, cheese, accepted, two years later, university, a big farm, miss, cocoa, want.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. I met … for the first time on a … morning.

2. I remember it … well.

3. I bought some … .

4. At the dairy stand I … a tall man.

5. I … for some milk.

6. We had a … … together and ... two years … we got ….

7. I mean, … was a dairy farmer, and he … the milk at the market.

8. They had a big … with a lot of cows.

9. Would you … a cup of hot … ?

10. Who would like a … good-bye from Mom and Dad?

11. Shes eating a … dish of … .

Answer the questions

1. When and where did grandmother meet grandfather for the first time?

2. What was he doing there?

3. When did they get married?

4. Who was pictured at the photo?

5. How many children did grandmother have?

6. What was daddy doing at the photo?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Это было давным давно, но я хорошо всё помню.

2. Я увидела высокого мужчину.

3. А что случилось потом?

4. Вы не хотели бы немного сыра?

5. Через два года мы поженились.

6. У них было большая ферма и много коров.

7. Лошадей не было, но у них были цыплята.

8. Ты скачаешь по дедушке?

9. Хотите чашку горячего какао?

10. Она ест большую порцию мороженого.

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

16. Morning routine

Vocabulary notes

morning routine утренние будни

backpack рюкзак

both оба

front door входная дверь

to belong принадлежать

still всё ещё

headlines новости

major главный

marathon race беговой марафон

to happen происходить

state capital building здание законодательного собрания штата

legislators законодатели

to leave покидать, оставлять

job работа

to hope надеяться

to make the decision принимать решение

chance шанс

production team производственная команда

rumors слухи

to find находить

peanut butter арахисовое масло

jelly повидло

tuna fish sandwich бутерброд с тунцом

cupcake кекс

junk food вредная пища

candy bar конфета


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Put, important, wake up, next month, anything, somebody, many, anybody, orange, more.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Christopher, whose … is that?

2. Is Emma still in … ?

3. Its time for todays … with Katie Baxter.

4. In New York, they have their major … race.

5. Hes just … it by the front door now, right, Christopher?

6. Something important is … at the state capital building.

7. So, from … month on, her … will be yours?

8. Did … say anything about your … ?

9. But there are so … rumors.

10. What … you like to have for lunch?

11. The other … have junk … in their lunches!

Answer the questions

1. Where must backpack of Christopher be?

2. Who is still in bed?

3. What would Christopher like to have for lunch?

4. Where will Kristin have her job?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Чей это рюкзак?

2. В Нью-Йорке проводится главный беговой марафон.

3. Что-то важное происходит у здания законодательного собрания штата.

4. Кто-нибудь говорил что-либо о твоих шансах.

5. Думаю, они примут решение сегодня.

6. Но ходит столько слухов.

7. Ты будешь вести эту передачу?

8. Другие дети едят фаст-фуд на ланч.

9. Их еда мне нравится больше, чем моя.

Reproduce the dialog ue with a group mate or make up a similar one

Film scripts

1. Entertaining

Jeff: Congratulations , Kristin. Youre the perfect voice for WMJTs news program. Youll be even more appealing than Katie Baxter ever was.

Kristin: Oh, Jeff. Thank you.

Jeff: Youll wake me up every morning. It will motivate me to begin the day in a positive mood .

Kristin: And who will motivate me to get up every day at half past five?

Jeff: Are you going to change the concept of the program?

Kristin: Were still arguing about that. We have this mix of entertainment and news, and I believe that the news is at least as important as the entertainment. After all, it is a news program.

Jeff: Actually , its more important!

Kristin: Thats one viewpoint , but other people think that its less important. Its also a question of what the public wants, and we know thats not less important!

Emma: Do you like Aunt Rachel?

Tom: Yes. I do.

Christopher: Why do you like her?

Tom: Why... Shes a very nice and special person.

Emma: Youre right. Shes almost as nice as Mom.

Christopher: Yeah. But Moms not as cool as she is. Sometimes she lets us do stuff that Mom never does.

Emma: And why do you...

Tom: I dont know. I just know one thing. Christopher is as curious as a cat, and Emma is even more curious!

Emma: No Im not!

Kristin: Good morning. This is WMJT. Its time for todays headlines with Kristin Porter.

Jeff: Congratulations on your new job, Kristin!

2. Fine dining

Head waiter: Do you have a reservation ?

Rachel: Yes. I think so.

Head waiter: For how many people?

Rachel: Its a table for four, but its not in my name...

Tom: Hi, Rachel.

Rachel: Excuse me. Hi Tom!

Tom: Rachel! How are you?

Rachel: Did you make a reservation for us?

Tom: No, I didnt, but I think Kristin did. Try Porter.

David: Porter? Here we are! Welcome to Boston, Rachel.

Rachel: Thank you. Im so glad to be here. I have a wonderful new job, a great apartment and Im here with my loved ones.

Kristin: It was a good decision .

Rachel: Yes, it was. Im a hundred percent sure. Boston is really a beautiful place.

Tom: Is our table ready ?

Head waiter: Theres one available near the window. And one next to the fireplace.

Tom: The fireplace ... That sounds perfect.

David: When did you get here Rachel?

Rachel: I arrived last night, after two days on the road.

Kristin: I asked her to stay at our house, but...

Rachel: ...but I wanted to spend my first night in Boston in my new apartment.

3. Coffee, tea, dessert

David: So, Kristin told me that you had an important interview.

Tom: Yes, with Mick Morrison.

David: Mick Morrison? Whos that?

Tom: Geez David! Mick Morrison is number one on the charts !

David: OK, OK. I guess Im not with it. Anyway , how did it go - the interview? I mean?

Tom: Mmm... In the end it went fine, but the beginning was...

Rachel: ...a disaster .

David: A disaster? What happened ?

Tom: Phew ... It was terrible . Everything went fine at first. I was on time , he was on time, we sat down I began my questions, but...

Tom: ... I didnt record it.

David: Youre kidding .

Tom: Im not kidding. I didnt turn on my tape recorder . I just... I just... forgot . After a while I noticed and...

David: Did you tell him?

Tom: Of course I told him!

David: And what did he say?

Tom: He said: Dont worry, bro. At my first concert I forgot my guitar!

Waiter: Excuse me. Are you ready to order dessert now? We have a wonderful chocolate cheesecake. And the tiramisu is fantastic.

Kristin: Just a moment, please. I think we... forgot about dessert.

Rachel: A black coffee for me, please.

Kristin: Whos having dessert?

Tom: I am. The chocolate cheesecake, please.

Kristin: Mmm... Sounds good.

David: Just a cup of tea for me, please.

Waiter: With lemon? Or milk.

David: Just lemon, no milk.

Kristin: Whats the Apple In and Out?

Waiter: Thats a sort of apple pie. Its really delicious .

Kristin: OK. Ill have that.

4. Meal planning

Tom: Hmm... Do I need anything? I need a lot of things. Vegetables, potatoes...

Hello Rachel! Come in! How was your day?

Rachel: Excellent ! I love this job. Its so interesting, I have a lot of responsibility , my co-workers are great and Im having a wonderful time.

Tom: Dont you miss teaching?

Rachel: Hmm... No. I liked teaching very much, as you know, but I wanted to do something else. I wanted to move on . I made the right decision . I really believe that. And... ... dont forget that I need to live in Boston.

Tom: I see your point .

Rachel: What are you doing, making a grocery list ?

You wanted to cook tonight ! Thats wonderful! Id love to cook together!

Tom: Actually , I wanted to invite you to a very nice little restaurant that I found on the other side of town...

Rachel: Oh no! Lets stay in.

Do you want to make lasagne? What do we need?

We need the noodles , of course. We need oil, onions , garlic , tomatoes, pepper, salt, mushrooms , oregano, basil , cheese, and ground beef .

Tom: I have everything except for the mushrooms and the ground beef.

Rachel: Then lets leave out the ground beef, forget about the mushrooms, and have a vegetarian lasagne. Well cook it together and we wont even go out of the house!

Tom: Now, thats a good idea!

5. Checking account

Tom: What time do you have to be at the bank to open your new account ?

Rachel: Oh, I dont have to be there at any special time. I just called them to ask about all these options for checking accounts. They say I can talk to an account representative in person, if I still have questions. And I do.

Tom: Like what?

Rachel: Well. Id like to open a deluxe checking account . But it says here that you have to maintain a minimum balance of $3,000

Tom: Thats common practice .

Rachel: But does that mean that it all must be in the checking account itself? Maybe I can have a combined balance of three thousand between the checking and the savings .

Tom: Hmm. At my bank, I dont have to keep as high a balance. I only have to have twenty-five hundred between both accounts. But the checking account still must not drop below a thousand.

Rachel: That sounds better than three thousand!

Tom: What else ?

Rachel: I like all the free services that come with the deluxe account. But I dont like having to keep so much money in my account all the time.

Tom: Do you have to have the services?

Rachel: No, I dont have to have them, but I want them.

Tom: Well, maybe you can get some of them with the regular account .

Rachel: There are so many options listed here. I cant make up my mind .

Tom: You dont have to yet. Talk to them first and see what they say.

Rachel: I will. Lets go to the bank now.

6. Budget

David: Is everything fine upstairs ?

Kristin: Yes. I always have to tell them the same story. Otherwise they refuse to go to bed. It must be that story .

David: The one about the little cat? Kristin: Mm-hmm. Once upon a time ...

David: ...there was a little cat...

Im going over the bills from this month.

Kristin: And?

David: They really went up . The electric bill, for example. It was really high. We should be more careful , shut things off when were not using them...

Kristin: It is getting colder now though . The electric bills always higher in wintertime.

David: True. But thats all the more reason why we should take care . We must get Emma and Christopher to cooperate , too. Theyre old enough now. They have to do a better job of turning off the video games when theyre not playing them, for example.

Kristin: I agree . Well have to insist on that. In summer well have lower costs again.

David: Lower costs?

Kristin: I mean electricity, gas...

David: Yes, but what about our vacation ?

Kristin: Thats true . And Id like to be able to afford to go somewhere really nice this year.

David: We talked about seeing France and Italy. Good food, nice weather, a lot of beautiful architecture, churches , castles ...

Kristin: I hope well be able to manage it. Remember we also have to go to Los Angeles to visit my mother.

David: And the children want to go to camp again this summer.

Kristin: Do you think we can swing it?

David: Yes, but well have to pinch pennies as much as possible.

7. Tennis

Rachel: Tom! Whats going on?

Tom: Im getting back into sports.

Rachel: For the first time in five years?

Tom: ...and Im going to beat him.

Rachel: Who are you going to beat? The man in the mirror ? Hmm... You might have a chance .

Tom: Im going to play tennis with David this afternoon. And I will beat him.

Rachel: David? David is a good player!

Tom: Yes, hes a good player. But I think like a winner . I know Ill beat him!

Rachel: Why not play doubles ? You and David as partners. Youll beat the other guys, for sure !

Tom: That might be a good idea. David: Wow ... Nice outfit !

Rachel: Tom is going to beat you. Hes sure about that.

Tom: No, not sure...but I might beat him. Do you really play that well?

David: No, I dont play very well, but I play quite often. Twice a week.

Tom: Twice a week...

David: And today Im looking forward to a match against a strong young opponent!

Tom: I see...

David: Of course, I may lose, but Ill give you a run for your money !

Rachel: Its almost four oclock. Im leaving. Kristin is expecting me. Have a good game!

David: Good-bye!

Tom: Good-bye!

So David, how about playing doubles? Do you like doubles?

David: No way. I want to beat you one-on-one.

Tom: Youre not going to beat me!

David: You never can tell! I might

8. Outdoor activities

Kristin: Would you like some grapes ? Or an apple maybe?

Rachel: Id rather have an orange. Do you have any oranges?

Kristin: Yes, I do. Ill have the grapes. Here we are.

Rachel: Thanks.

Kristin: I am exhausted . Whew... You walk so fast

Rachel: Isnt that the point of power walking ?

Kristin: Yes.. .I guess it is. I really like it. Its so different from jogging . Lets do this every week.

Rachel: Good idea.

Kristin: And lets ask David and Tom, too.

Rachel: I dont know... Maybe Tom would rather not do that with me again ?

Kristin: Oh? Why not?

Rachel: Well, I called him early one Saturday morning. We both lived in Chicago at that time. I wanted him to go power walking with me. But he was really grumpy and...

Kristin: And just how early was this, health nut?

Rachel: Not early. It was about 8:30.

Kristin: Eight-thirty! Rachel, a lot of people are still in bed at eight-thirty on Saturday morning!

Rachel: Well, I didnt know his habits then. Anyway, he showed up at my door unshaven and in rumpled clothes .

Kristin: And then what.

Rachel: We went power walking for just a short time, but he got out of breath right away .

Kristin: Define for just a short time.

Rachel: Not long at all.

Kristin: Rachel?

Rachel: No, really! No more than 20 minutes.

Kristin: OK, and then what happened?

Rachel: He almost collapsed from exhaustion , so we took a taxi home. He was quite embarrassed !

Kristin: Well, maybe he wont want to go. Lets not ask him, then.

By the way, talking about Saturdays, next Saturday were going up to Queen Lake . Davids going to fish, and the children are going to go horseback riding . Would you like to join us?

Rachel: Next Saturday? Lets see... Im not sure . I think Tom bought theatre tickets for Saturday night.

Kristin: Well, come with us! Well certainly be back by seven at the latest . Youll have plenty of time to get ready for the theatre.

Rachel: Id rather come home earlier, so I can have enough time to shower and dress.

Kristin: OK, well be back by six. Lets plan on it!

9. Change of career

Rachel: It is a big change . I mean... In Chicago, I was a gym teacher and now Im the coordinator for the whole physical education department .

In Chicago, I was teaching full-time , but here Im doing a lot of administrative work.

Kristin: How are your colleagues ?

Rachel: Theyre really nice people. Very friendly.

Kristin: Youre lucky then.

Rachel: Yeah, I really am.

Kristin: Sugar?

Rachel: No, thanks. I never have sugar with my coffee. You know me, the health food nut .

Kristin: Yeah. I know.

Rachel: One...Two... Two sugar cubes. Thats enough energy for an entire day.

Kristin: I need it. It was rather a heavy afternoon.

Rachel: Im sorry, Kristin, but I needed a lot of new things for my new apartment .

Kristin: Whats next on the list ?

Rachel: Well. I have stuff for the kitchen. I have pots and pans , knives... that sort of thing. And I also have the basics for cooking: salt, pepper, oil, rice...

Kristin: And the bathroom?

Rachel: I still need a big mirror there. Thats all. My bedroom is OK...

Kristin: ... but you need more furniture for the living-room. What furniture do you have? Three chairs, a table, a sofa... What else ?

Rachel: Thats it, basically. But for the moment, I dont care . We bought enough this afternoon. Dont you think so?

Kristin: Oh yes, I do. What time is it?

Rachel: Its half past five.

Kristin: Half past five! Ive got to go! David and the kids are on their way home.

10. Daily schedules

Tom: Is that Emma and Christopher in this picture?

Kristin: Yes. This is Emma and thats Christopher.

Tom: What are you all doing here?

Kristin: Were having a party. Were singing, and dancing, and having fun.

Tom: And where is this scene taking place ?

Kristin: Oh, thats in Los Angeles. My mother lives there. We visit her twice a year. The children love LA.

Tom: A successful career and a wonderful family. You have it all! How do you do it?

Kristin: Theres only one way to do that: plan. Thats very important . Plan everything!

We get up at six-thirty in the morning.

Tom: What time do you get up?

Kristin: Usually half past six. We have breakfast at seven. David and the children leave at eight and theyre home by six every evening. Then we have dinner together at six-thirty.

Tom: When do you go to work?

Kristin: Sometimes I work from home, like today. And sometimes I go to the office. But I always begin work at half past eight.

Tom: And when do you stop?

Kristin: A journalist never stops. Dont forget those wise words, Tom.

Tom: A journalist never stops. My interview!

Kristin: Take it easy . Tom. You still have more than an hour.

Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Kristin.

Kristin: Youre welcome . This way, Tom. This way.

11. L unch date rescheduling

David: Emma wants to be a politician and Christopher wants to become a pilot. What do you think of that?

Michael: No way. That profession is too dangerous !

David: Which, the pilot or the politician?

And how are the twins ? You have a boy and a girl, right? How old are they now?

Michael: Yes, theyre six months. Theyre so cute .

David: Do they sleep through the night yet?

Michael: Yes, they sleep very well. And Im very happy about that.

David: Id like to see them sometime.

Michael: Why dont you come over on Saturday or Sunday?

David: I cant make it this weekend. Its Emmas birthday, so, of course, were having a birthday party for her.

Michael: By the way , David, I forgot to tell you - I cant come to the meeting tomorrow morning.

David: Really? Why not?

Michael: I cant be in two places at the same time.

David: What do you mean?

Michael: I need to be at another meeting tomorrow morning. Id like to postpone it, but I cant. Its too urgent . Its about getting approval for the Patagonia project, and were supposed to start next week.

David: Geez , Michael, our meeting tomorrow morning is very important. Can you try to come?

Michael: I dont think so. Theres too much going on right now . The department head quit without notice , two guys on the team are out sick , and, on top of it all , were preparing for an audit next week! We just dont have enough people at the moment, and...

David: Wow . Youre in trouble .

Michael: No, I can deal with it, but that meeting tomorrow is just... too much. Im sorry.

David: No, no. Youre right. Well postpone it.

Michael: What about early next week?

David: No problem. Can you make it on Monday?

Michael: Yes, I can! Same time, same place?

David: OK.

Michael: What were we talking about?

David: Your babies. So when can I see the little ones?

12. Directions - public transport

Kristin: Come in. Please, sit down.

Tom: Thank you. How are David and the children?

Kristin: The children are fine. Christopher is a soccer star now and Emma is doing very well at her new school. David is still in England. Hes on his way back at this moment. And Rachel? Any news about her?

Tom: Dont worry about your sister. Im taking good care of her.

Kristin: Mmm ... taking care... She lives in Chicago and you live here in Boston?

Tom: But shes applying for a job in Boston, so maybe...

Kristin: Maybe...?

So. Youre on your way to the concert hall?

Tom: Yes. To interview Mick Morrison.

Kristin: Are you driving your car today?

Tom: No, no. Im taking the bus today. Listen, could you give me directions?

Kristin: Sure .

OK. The bus stop is near the concert hall. Get off the bus. Go to your right, then turn left at the corner.

Tom: Would you repeat that, please.

Kristin: OK. Get off the bus. Turn right, turn left, and the concert hall is just across the street.

Tom: OK. Thanks.

Kristin: Oh, and Tom, there are two entrances. Dont use the main entrance . Theres a stage door on the right. Use that one.

Tom: Thank you.

13. Airport - exchanging money

Employee: Today the exchange rate is one to one and a half.

David: So, is it one dollar for one and a half British pounds ?

Employee: No, its not, sir. Its one British pound for one and a half U.S. dollars.

Tom: Excuse me...Kristin?

Kristin: Hello, Tom!

Tom: How are you?

Kristin: Im fine, thank you, and you?

Tom: Rachel is on the plane to Chicago again , but Im fine.

Employee: 20...40...60...80...and 100, 200 pounds. And the receipt .

David: Thank you very much. Good-bye!

Employee: Youre welcome . Good-bye.

David: So... its one and a half pounds to the dollar, right?

Kristin: No, David. Its one and a half dollars to the pound!

Tom, this is David, my husband. Hes a scientist , but numbers —theyre a problem for him.

David: Its my first trip to England. Nice to meet you. Tom.

Tom: Nice to meet you, David.

Kristin: Tom is my sisters boyfriend.

David: Oh! So, you are Tom. Its great to meet you.

Kristin: Hes also a journalist.

Tom: Im the researcher and shes the reporter.

David: Ah! Is she your boss?

Tom: Yes, she is.

Kristin: No, Im not. Im not a boss. We are all colleagues .

14. Getting around the airport

Tom: Where are you going in England, David?

David: Im on my way to a meeting in Bristol, but Im traveling through London.

Tom: Bristol ... Where is Bristol?

David: Bristol is a city in the south of England. Its near Wales.

Tom: Is it east of London?

David: No, its not. Its west of London.

Airport Voice: Passengers for Magna Carta Airways, flight 867 to London, please proceed to gate C24.

David: OK, the plane is boarding ! Good-bye, honey .

Kristin: Bye. David. See you Saturday. Good luck .

David: See you, Tom.

Tom: See you, David. Good luck in Bristol!

So, here we are. Rachel is on the plane to Chicago, and David is traveling to England...

Kristin: ...and were staying in Boston! Im heading for a meeting at the office. Where are you going?

Tom: Home. Im taking the day off . And on my day off its raining in Boston.

Kristin: Youre right. Its raining and its cold. My car is in the parking garage. Wheres your car?

Tom: Its in the parking lot , across from Concourse B. See you.

15. Family relationships

Grandmother: I met him for the first time on a winter morning in nineteen fifty...

That was a long time ago , but I remember it very well. I was at the farmers market . I bought some fruit and vegetables. And lucky for me, I needed some milk, too. At the dairy stand I saw a tall man...

Emma: Was it Grandpa?

Grandmother: Yes.

Christopher: And then what happened ?

Grandmother: I asked for some milk. He said, Would you like some cheese, also, Miss? I said No, thank you. And then he said, Then, would you like a cup of tea?

I accepted. We had a cup of tea together and ... two years later we got married .

Emma: Did he work at the university like Dad?

Grandmother: No, no. He was a farmer . I mean, father was a dairy farmer , and he sold the milk at the market. They had a big farm with a lot of cows .

Emma: And horses ?

Grandmother: No horses, but they had some chickens .

Christopher: Do you miss grandfather?

Grandmother: Yes, Very much.

Emma: I want a cup of tea, too, Grandma!

Grandmother: No, children dont drink tea. Would you like a cup of hot cocoa?

Emma: Cocoa? OK!

Grandmother: Would you like some hot cocoa, Christopher?

Christopher: Yes, please, Grandma.

Grandmother: All right, hot cocoa then.

Emma: Whos that?

Christopher: Thats Aunt Katie!

Emma: And thats Uncle Jack!

Grandmother: Yes, thats Aunt Katie. Shes eating a big dish of ice cream...

But thats not Uncle Jack. Thats your father.

Christopher: Daddy ! Hes eating a piece of cake!

Emma: I want a piece of cake, too!

Kristin: Who would like a kiss good-bye from Mom and Dad?

16. Morning routine

David: Christopher, whose backpack is that? Is it yours? Or Emmas?

Christopher: Its mine.That ones hers. The green one.

David: Please put them both by the front door -where they belong . Is Emma still in bed?

Kristin: Good morning!

Christopher: Good morning, Mom.

Radio Voice: Good morning. Its half past seven. This is WMJT. Its time for todays headlines with Katie Baxter.

Kristin: Good morning, Katie.

Katies Voice: In New York, they have their major marathon race , but here in Boston, we have ours. The...

Kristin: Is this your backpack?

David: Yes, its his. Hes just putting it by the front door now, right, Christopher?

Christopher: Right.

David: Emma! Wake up!

Katies Voice: Something important is happening at the state capital building . State legislators are...

David: So when is Katie Baxter leaving ? Next week?

Kristin: Next month.

David: So, from next month on, her job will be yours?

Kristin: Someones going to get it. I hope its me! I think theyre going to make the decision today.

David: Did anyone say anything about your chances ?

Kristin: Yeah... Somebody from the production team said Your chances are good. But there are so many rumors ...

David: They wont find anybody like you.

Christopher: Will you be on this program, Mom?

Kristin: Maybe... Well see.What would you like to have for lunch? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich , and an apple ? Or a tuna fish sandwich and an orange?

Christopher: Umm... a cupcake and a candy bar .

Kristin: No junk food .

Christopher: The other kids have junk food in their lunches! I like theirs more than mine.

Kristin: Christopher...

Christopher: Oh, OK. Tuna and an orange.

Emma: Good... morning...

David: Good morning!

Katies Voice: This is Katie Baxter for WMJT news.

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Английский - путь к совершенству. Полный интерактивный курс. М., МедиаХауз, 2002.

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Развитие навыков аудирования

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Мельчагова Светлана Евгеньевна

Главный редактор Л.А.Суевалова

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Компьютерная верстка Мельчагова С.Е.

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