Unversity Education Essay Research Paper 1 Concerning
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Un?versity Education Essay, Research Paper 1) Concerning applications in regard with increasing the grades in summer term; which were made by the students who carry on their education with university scholarship/bursary and having a yearly avarage of more than 2.30: It is approved by the University Senate to allow the above-mentioned students to participate in these lessons with the condition that total number of students in a class shouldn?t be less than 10 (29.senate,5.Un?versity Education Essay, Research Paper
1) Concerning applications in regard with increasing the grades in summer term; which were made by the students who carry on their education with university scholarship/bursary and having a yearly avarage of more than 2.30: It is approved by the University Senate to allow the above-mentioned students to participate in these lessons with the condition that total number of students in a class shouldn?t be less than 10 (29.senate,5. Article)
2) From 2000-2001 academic year on, it is decided that University grants/scholarships are assigned only to the departments to which student attend; thus, students can?t transfer their scholarship liabilities to other departments: (34.senate, 9.article)
3) Regarding students who are obliged to acquire necessary credit number assigned by departments to graduate from university at the end of the academic year; in case students get F from the courses that are excluded from department curriculi, they will be regarded as if they had never attended to theses cources; besides, no explanation or remark will be made about these cources in their transcripts.
4) Pertaining to undergraduate education and 13.(b) article of exam directives, and also the separation of compulsory and elective courses; Students can choose courses either from their departments or other depatments regardless of terms as long as they get the approval of their advisor teachers.
5) Concerning Vocational High School senior students who failed at most two of their courses and those having a general yearly avarage of less than 2.00:
It is decided to give them a resit exam 3 weeks after the end of midterm final exams. Results will be regarded as final grade.
This section of the form is allocated to define the name, symbol, adress, or any form of abbreviation referring the organization that is sending the document. After spacing two lines from top margin of the document, heading is to be written on the upper-middle part of the form. The name /title of the organizarion shoul be in upper case and the name of the main brach should be written on the other line in lowercase.
Issue NumberRegistration Nu?mber :
Spacing ttwo lines and with an indentation of 2.5 cm., it is to be written ? Issue Number? followed by a colon. After colon, the code number of the related branch/intitution should be given. After separating code number with a hyphen (-), reg?stration number should be added. This number refers to the one in Correspondance Registration Book.
Date section , specifyingthe date of correspondance or the delivery of the document, should be placed two lines below the heading section with 2.5 indentation from right margin. It should be vertically lined up with registration number. The exact issue date of the document must be written in numerals separated with a backspace(/) without using any abbreviation.
Subject section, comprising the short synopsis of the content of the document, should be placed just beneath the ?ssue number with 2.5 indentation from left margin . It shouldn?t include any form of abbreviation such as ?etc.?
Destination:This section denotes an institution, organization , person, or their location. Depending on the length of the document, following the last line of the subject section, legal title/name of the receiver should be written 2-4 lines below in the middle with uppercase letters.
If the document is addressed to Prime Ministry, state ministries or an organization pertaining to ministry, the name of the minisrty should be in upper case and the title of the related organization/institution should be written on
the other line in lowercase in paranthesis.
In other correspondances, receiver?s adress is to be written just under the heading with two line spacing. In correspondances adressed to non-offical person. After the word ?Say?n?, the name should be in lowercase, yet the surname will be in uppercase. Any title, if there is , or explanatory remark should be written just under the name.
However, in correspondances adressed to offical people, name and titie should be in lowercase while surname will be in uppercase
This section specifies whether the document is an attachment to a previously written document , an answer or a section indicating some references. Spacing three lines, it should be started from the left margin of the document with a space of tab button. The word ?References? should be in uppercase followed by a colon. If explanation exceeds one line, it is necassary to skip a line and continue just beneath the first line. If reference section comprises of more than one, explanations should be written in subsequent articles labelled as a,b,c,d clsed with parantheses. After spacing a character, the content of the referencec should be written.
In order to sustain unity throughout the document,the foolowin format will be used in reference section …………………..Date/Day and ………………. Issue Number:
While typing the reference section, necessary abbreviatons such as (Gn. M?d?rl??, D. B?k?l???) can be made as long as it doesn?t distort the references to the related organizations or institutions.
In reference section of the document, not only issue number should be stated but also reference must be in accordance with date sequence. If reference constitute a reply or have a relation with previously written document, all of them should be clearly stated.
Text is a paragraph, title or subtitle explaining a subject or a thought: Title, onthe other hand, is a section that divides the idea discussed in the main paragraph into subsections; Subtitle divides the thought systematically into subsections. If there is no reference section, it should start from right under adress section and extends to signature section.
1) Ortographic rules to be followed in text section.
Text should be written after spacing the last line of the reference section.; if there is not, it should follow adress section with three line spaces. The layout should comply with general rule of indentation ? 2.5 cm from lefrt margin and 2.5 cm from right margin. Also, spacing between paragraphs is necessary.
Numbering and dividing into separate articles is not alloweed in paragraphs, yet possible for titles and subtitles. While titles are numbered, subtitles should be grouped with letters. while composing text section, It should be taken into consideration that all number and letter sequences should be lined up vertically. ?t is necessary to put a dot(full stop) after letters and numbers.
Text should be legible and reverse side of the paper shouldn?t be used. Moreover, there shouldn?t be any scratch, correction or trace of erasing. Paragraphs and lines should comply with the above ?mentioned format. Thare shouldn?t be misindentation. Unless the text is too long, text shouldn?t exceede one page. It is not permissible to end the second page with a line. All the numerals in the text can be written in written form. It should be noted that in the evaluation of numerical data in the text, computers uses dot(.) for decimal and coma (,) divisions.
2) Rules to be followed in terms of the content:
Text should be composed of three sections. The first part is the presentation of the subject briefly with its related concern section. In the second part, conflicting and opposing views are presented. Although in the final part the conclusive judgement is to be stated, some alterations and changes, if necessary, are also possible to induce. The text should be written in absolute compliance ith ortographic dictionary issued by Turkish Language Association. Unless it is necessayry, usage of technical terms, foreign words, abbreviations and repeatings must be abstained.