Communism 2 Essay Research Paper Communism Is
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Communism 2 Essay, Research Paper Communism Is A Better Form Of Economic Organization Than Capitalism The purpose of this essay is to prove that Communism is aCommunism 2 Essay, Research Paper
Communism Is A Better Form Of Economic Organization Than
The purpose of this essay is to prove that Communism is a
better form of economic organization, compared to capitalism. I
will use these following examples equality, employment, health
care and society, to show why Communism is a better form of
economic organization.
First of all in a communist regime, people are all equal to
each other no matter how educated that person is, in the eyes of
the government. For example a Surgeon how is very well educated
is equal in status with a peasant farmer because in communism
their is no such thing as lower class, middle class and upper
class. Eliminating economic boundaries which separate people,
benefits the whole society because then we eliminate the have and
have not, as a circumstance it eliminates crime.
Secondly in a Communist economic system people are never
unemployed because the government owns the means of production.
Meaning the governments owns all the factories and stores
because their is no private owner ship in a Communist system.
This is good because the government can control and decide what
is needed for the good of society and produce it. Another reason
why Communism is good is because everyone in the country is
provided with a job, house and food; no one is denied the
essentials of life.
One of the most fundamental human rights is access to
adequate health care. In Communist countries the right of access
to health care is very well practiced, because no one is denied
health care. In a Communist country you could go to the Doctor
for lets say a Flu shot or a complicated procedure such as
a triple coronary bypass surgery and the government will pick up
the tab, because in communist countries every life is valuable.
Economic systems which operate in a Communist manner
consider first what is good for society. The decisions which are
made especially when their about politics, the consideration is
always based, is it good for the whole of society and will
society benefit?
Now I will begin to discuss why Capitalism is a poor way to
administer a economic system. First in a capitalistic system
their is no equality people are broken down into groups. Such as
lower class people who make under twenty thousand yearly, middle
class thirty thousand yearly, upper class one hundred thousand
yearly and the Corporate elite who make over a million a year.
People are broken down into groups by how much money they make.
Depending how much money you make; you will be seen different
in the eyes of the government. For example if you are a poor
nobody from the lower class, chances are if you walk in to a
senators office he will not even see you because you have no
money. But if you are a Corporate elite chances are he will see
you because you have influence, and influence in a Capitalistic
society is money.
In a Capitalistic system people are forced to compete
against each other to the bitter end. Children are taught in
their schools that individualism is the only way to success and
only to worry about themselves and not society. So basically
children in a Capitalistic system are taught to benefit
themselves and not society. Due to this Capitalistic countries
face huge problems which plague their cities and small
towns. For example drugs, murders, robberies etc. Are a cause of
capitalism, not only that, the distribution of wealth is
ridiculous. A few control the wealth, well others try to
survive, and the wealthy get wealthier and the poor get poorer.
In a Capitalistic system the have and have not are very enormous
causing those who have nothing turn to crime to receive what they
believe they deserve.
Also in capitalism system the government in not very
generous because it doesn’t take care of its people. For example
if you lose your job and you can’t receive any kind of benefits
then you are screwed, because you will become one on the millions
in a Capitalist system in which people are forced to live in
the streets and eat out of trash cans.
Doing this essay I examined Communism looking only at the
pros and found out that Communism is really not that bad if it is
administered right. When I started to compare and criticize
capitalism compared to Communism I found out that Capitalism is
really a harsh form economic organization in which the people of
a same race or country are forced to compete at every thing they
Not only that In a capitalism society many people how can’t
compete in a Capitalistic society are thrown aside and labeled as
bums but society doesn’t look to see what caused the problem and
let these people spoil, because again in a capitalistic society
“only the strong survive.
Overall my views of Capitalism are true meaning that I do
believe in Capitalism, but inside of me I feel that a little bit
of Communism mixed with capitalism will make a perfect form of
economic organization in which the whole of society benefits and
moves forward.