Communism 2 Essay Research Paper CommunismCommunism some
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Communism 2 Essay, Research Paper Communism Communism, some would argue is one of the largest downfalls of modern society. Others would disagree. True communist theory is one of the main reasons why modern capitalism works like a well-oiled machine. True communism provided a balance between the business and factory owners, whose main purpose was to acquire as much wealth as possible, and the workers who were exploited to make money for their employers.Communism 2 Essay, Research Paper
Communism, some would argue is one of the largest downfalls of modern society. Others would disagree. True communist theory is one of the main reasons why modern capitalism works like a well-oiled machine. True communism provided a balance between the business and factory owners, whose main purpose was to acquire as much wealth as possible, and the workers who were exploited to make money for their employers. Communism was the main reason behind 19th century British social development.
A true genius s work is rarely recognized within his life. “Marxism” as it is now called, was scoffed at during Marx s life. This is what the history books tell us, but as the saying goes, “History is written by the winners.” Who were the winners at the time when Marx s idea s were first published? The wealthy business and factory owners. Although the ruling classes tried to negate Marx s ideas, He paved the way for social equality. During the latter half of the nineteenth century Karl Marx was in a secret communist organization called the “Communist League,” and he as well published a declaration of the Leagues principles and objectives. This was called the “Communist Manifesto.” Marx outlines his theory of history and prophecies and an end to exploitation. Marx provided to all workers a common idea in which they could believe in. He believed in educating the workers and called for an increased number of united proletariats, and more political awareness. This would thus defeat the Bourgeoisie. Britain, In the 19th century like every other country in the world, was run in a Totalitarian fashion. That is, a few of the “elite” members of society made decisions for the entire nation. The rich ruling classes who owned the businesses and factories ran the country. These owners manipulated government to support their businesses. Virtually no taxes were paid by the new “capitalist” force, with its immense financial power and limited liability they were largely untouchable. The Capitalists were free to force anyone to work regardless of age, gender and wherever they believed that it would make them the most money. Because of the lack of government control, the Capitalist, who in fact ran the government, were free to pursue their own interests. The people had no opportunity but to work under this capitalist rule. The British people had endured all they could under the “Capitalist” regime, but they did not want a return of the monarchy. They sought to retain capitalism but install laws protecting workers’ rights. The system was ripe for change, and with a new individual speaking out for communal rights, this change could happen. The British proletariats were not interested in a bloody or confrontational revolution, but in a system which promoted trade and looked after the needs of the working class. The British people had longed for social change. This change would be laws that prohibited the bourgeois from forcing the laboring class to work in detrimental conditions. During the Industrial Revolution the working classes suffered under extremely harsh working conditions, they were forced to work at least thirteen hour days, and rarely went out side. They were paid a pittance for dangerous and sometime life threatening work. These factors led the way for extreme social restructuring. Marx was publishing ideas that the capitalists were trying to keep under wraps. He published literature that was exactly what the people wanted to hear, and what the factory owners did not want publicized. These ideas were of fair and equitable treatment of the working class. The only way the proletariats could voice these demands was to become one team, so that workers could gain control over their economic lives. Thus the employers would be forced to listen to these demands. Thus, the Union was born. The idea of the employers listening to the employees infuriated the affluent community. All of the “unions” encountered great opposition. The government considered these groups illegal associations and conspiracies in the restraint of trade. During the 19th Century there were favorable court decisions and legislation which attempted to eliminate the idea of unions, but the idea had been implanted in the minds of the people. Communist Theory was wholly available to the British people, but it was picked apart and the relevant information was used. Few individuals believed in the utopia that Karl Marx foresaw. Instead, the people choose the information they liked and what they wanted to see happen in their own country. An example of what the proletariats picked from the Communist Manifesto was that all members of society were equal, and all land was owned communally, with everyone being involved in the decision making process in its future. Marx somewhat changed his original views in order that it would be more popular with the working class people. In 1869 The International Workingmen s Association, led by Karl Marx demanded that the employers give to all their workers basic rights such as an eight hour day, and a five day week. In 1892 the government finally agreed. After this victory the workers set up a permanent Union in which they could voice their protests. The most effective way in which the people could change their situation was to unite against the oppressors, and demand their rights. “Workers of all countries unite!”
Another extensive effect that early communism had on 19th century Britain was the shrinking of the gap between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariats. The introduction of unions was the most efficient way to receive workers rights. These rights did not come easily as the Bourgeoisie were not willing to release all it had worked for. Huge political battles ensued in an attempt to force workers back into the darkest caverns of the factories of the bourgeoisie. But this effort was in vain. With the entire working class united The only way out was to change. The bourgeoisie had little choice either waive to the demands of the workers or sent your factory into bankruptcy. With the Unions now gaining power in Britain, the workers forced their demands. Their terms were simple, they wanted a constitution that guaranteed them a safe working environment, a reasonable minimum wage and time to spend with their families, and equal taxation for all. While all of this took place the workers began to have money after all of the necessary bills were paid. This meant that a person entire life was not spent in a factory and in turn fulfilled their own personal life. This meant different forms of entertainment could be enjoyed and people could consume what others had produced, therefore creating a flowing economy where one could produce capital in a maintained factory, receiving an acceptable minimum wage, working a five day week. Using extra capital consuming that made in other factories creating a cycle. This created a social class that had never been heard of, a middle class. Thus a middle class individual could produce assets and consume at the same time. Making money not only for themselves but for their employer as well. Society developed a new class in which a majority would eventually become.
Early communist theory have many visible effects on society but also some which were not as apparent. The idea that everyone in a society has the basic rights where some are living a lavish existence while others can not even eat. One can not say that today we have wiped poverty of the map but we have come closer than ever before. 19th century British demanded that every individual have basic right that they are entitled to. A right to vote who becomes the next leader of the nation. And the constitution that guarantees every individual certain rights. Everyone deserves a right if they are a member of this nation and the nation will support the next generation who owns this nation.
In Conclusion, Capitalism owes its roots to early communist theory. With the theories of Karl Marx, 19th Century Britain social development took a turn for the better and has never looked back. Still today, True Marxism has a profound impact on the life we live.