Comparison Between Beowulf And Tick Essay Research
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Comparison Between Beowulf And Tick Essay, Research Paper Comparison Between Beowulf and Tick “Who would win in a fight”…A timeless question. It’s been asked a millionComparison Between Beowulf And Tick Essay, Research Paper
Comparison Between Beowulf and Tick
“Who would win in a fight”…A timeless question. It’s been asked a million
different times and in a million different places, from classrooms to barrooms
to bathrooms, its the universal question of ultimate boredom and time wasting
comtemplation. But at the same time its an encouragement for the mind to dive
into the absurd and to seriously consider something for fun. And thats why we
ask, “Who would win in a fight, Beowulf or The Tick?”
Now that’d be a good fight. Lets start with the comparisons. Both Beowulf and
Tick are pretty big guys. They might even be the strongest of their times.
“…Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and the strongest of the Geats- greater and
stronger than anyone anywhere in this world” (ll. 109-111). So neither of them
are whimps. Theyre tough too. Theyve had plenty of battles to prove it. “…from
the darkness of war, dripping with my enemies blood. I drove five great giants
into chains, chased all of that race from the earth” (ll.247-250). Beowulf is a
tough guy. Beowulf and Tick like to talk about themselves a lot. Though they do
it at different times, both brag often. “I swam in the blackness of night,
hunting monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one” (ll. 250-253).
Beowulf likes to brag about his accomplishments.
But Beowulf and Tick are also very different. For starters, Beowulf wore lots
of armor and expensive stuff, but Tick only wears a big blue Speedo-type-thing.
When Beowulf went to meet Hrothgar, he wore his expensive armor. “Glittering at
the top of their golden helmets” (ll. 214-215). Beowulf liked to show of his
wealth be wearing expensive armor. Beowulf was more courageous than Tick.
Beowulf does the types of things that Tick would be too afraid to do.
“…Beowulf, a prince of Geats, had killed Grendel” (ll. 403-404). The Tick
couldnt kill anyone.
Overall, both Beowulf and The Tick were heros, and good ones. But they’re
each a different type of hero. Beowulf is the “Lets get down to buisiness and
bust some evil skull” type hero, where Tick is more of a “Hero by accident”.
Though they are from totally different times and places, there are still two
essential elements that every hero must posess: Courage and A cause or reason to
be a hero. With these two things anyone can be a hero. And as for “Who would win
in a fight”, after all things considered, it all comes down to a matter of
opinion: A big Conan-like action hero or a more realistic guy in a blue speedo.
Tough call…