Feelig Safe Where Ever We Go Essay
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: , Research Paper No citizen should feel unsafe in his own home. Having the right to a firearm to protect oneself should not be taken away from any citizen. You are in your home and a intruder breaks, Research Paper
No citizen should feel unsafe in his own home. Having the right to a firearm to protect
oneself should not be taken away from any citizen. You are in your home and a intruder breaks
in. You hear the noises from downstairs. You want to go downstairs to defend yourself and your
property, but you can?t . You have no weapon of your own to protect yourself from a criminal
who is most likely armed. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says,
“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” In addition, there were six separate supreme court
decisions that said that firearms control laws are constitutional:
United States v. Cruikshank (1876)
Presser v. Illinois (1886)
Miller v. Texas (1894)
United States v. Miller (1939)
Lewis v. United States (1980)
United States v. Verdugo-Urquirdez (1990)
This is proof stating that the law is correct in its decision to allow private citizens to bear arms.
Guns don?t kill – people do. Properly trained and educated gun owners are no threat to society.
There are many reasons for gun control to be done away with. First, in high schools today
there is an immense amount of violence and numerous shootings. Teens today are very
vulnerable to gangs and often get themselves into problem situations at school or in their own
neighborhoods. Students should be allowed to carry guns to school to defend themselves,
therefore resulting in less shootings because each child is equally armed. Many shootings are due
to one child having a gun and the other child not possessing one and not being able to defend
himself. Opponents of firearms controls do not see them as relying on guns to commit assault
and murder. In this case guns are not used as a weapon but merely for self defense and security.
If students had guns in school, it would decrease violence greatly.
Also unwanted intruders into private homes has increased greatly in the past few years
due to more valuable and costly equipment being kept in homes. Property owners have the legal
right to defend themselves, their family, and private property. Three weeks ago in Philadelphia
two robbers gained illicit entry into a private home through a window. Unknown to them the
owner, a captain on the Philadelphia Police Force was sleeping upstairs. Hearing the noise he
came to the head of the steps with his service revolver and shot and injured them both. Gun
owners posses guns for safety from criminals. Citizens with clean legal records should be
allowed to carry a gun for their own safety.
Hunters in America should not be denied the right to hunt because of Gun Control laws.
Hunters have the right to carry a gun referring back to the Second Constitutional Amendment.
Fifty percent of all gun owners polled by Time Magazine said the main reason they own a gun is
for hunting reasons. Americans keep guns for hunting, for target practice, for sport shooting, for
work , for collecting, and for protection. Also, not all guns owners keep guns for violent reasons
as much as for sport reasons. Hunters should have the right to posses guns for their hunting needs
or for other personal reasons.
Guns are a major part of the history of the United States and its right for independence.
Back then every household needed firearms for hunting and protection. America?s history and
the history of guns in America follow a similar path : wars, settling the west, army, inventions,
and economy. The first American settlers carried smoothbore muskets…from the Old World to
their New World homes. Untied States citizens always in the past had the right to bear arms and
that right should not be taken away from them. Fire arms play a major role in the history of the
United States and should continue to do so.
Criminals will find ways to acquire guns by any means. They will steal them or buy guns
illegally on the streets. A criminal who wants a gun will get what they want most likely. The use
of firearms in crime was very much less when there were no controls of any sort, convicted
criminal or lunatic, could buy any type of firearm without restriction. A criminal has to protect
his/her territory. Therefore no felon is going to stop to think about the consequences of getting
his/her firearms illegally.
Gun control in the United States will never be enacted as long as the United States
residents are free and independent. No rightful law abiding citizen shall have their Second
Amendment rights violated. While drugs are becoming a tremendous problem with its
accompanying violence, innocent bystanders need to have the ability to protect themselves
against the criminals. The Second Amendment guarantees a precious right, the right to walk
down the street without fear. Until police can protect citizens adequately, they must protect
themselves, their families, and their property.