International Relations Essay Research Paper Bangladesh George

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: International Relations Essay, Research Paper Bangladesh- George Washington University Topic 1: Racial Discrimination and Employment The government of Bangladesh is against all forms of racial discrimination and employment. As a country which has a very high tolerance of understanding and accepting people from all different races, the government of Bangladesh is proud to say exists in our country.

International Relations Essay, Research Paper

Bangladesh- George Washington University

Topic 1: Racial Discrimination and Employment

The government of Bangladesh is against all forms of racial discrimination and employment. As a country which has a very high tolerance of understanding and accepting people from all different races, the government of Bangladesh is proud to say exists in our country. As representatives of the state of Bangladesh, we would like to reaffirm that discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, should not be tolerated, and is an obstacle to peace and security among people living in a diverse culture. Therefore, Bangladesh would like to remind its fellow states, that many signed the Convention of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which included the right to have equal opportunity in employment no matter what race one is. If all of the countries that had signed it practiced the principles put forth in the document, then there would be no problem. Bangladesh most recently, passed an act of tolerance, vowing that discrimination would not tear apart its society and it has worked well in practice. We urge our fellow countries to do the same. It is not just one thing to sign or ratify the CERD, but one needs to have acts/laws that apply to one s own state. Therefore, we recommend that our fellow states look to us for help on how to pass a tolerance act that will be effective. If one does not pass an act or chooses that would not fit. The government of Bangladesh promotes educational programs taking place within the country itself, on culture, to expand understanding of a race or culture. In addition, we strongly recommend that depending on the situation, that each country be evaluated for its discrimination and unfair practices in employment. With a study done on in each country, the committee, can recommend different measures for different countries based on the severity of the situation. Ideally, it would be wonderful to eliminate racial discrimination in the workplace with the same practice in one country as in another. Though, realistically, Bangladesh recognizes that this might not be the case. That is why it suggests to look at each country and then make decisions rather than making a general solution that might not necessarily work.

World Summit on Racism

Topic: Ethnic Discrimination in Africa

Bangladesh: Randi Rothbaum

Bangladesh strongly believes that the World Summit Against Racism would provide another opportunity to consider the measures that would be required to eliminate all forms of racism. It should provide the occasion for a strongly worded declaration and reflect a serious pledge by the international community to translate the goal of eliminating racial discrimination into reality. More importantly we believe that Africa is a prime example of a region in which racial issues still exist.

Even though apartheid in South Africa has been eliminated, there are still key issues and problems with racism in this country. Citizens are still discriminated against politically, and socially by the minorities, the white man in this instance. Also in Zimbabwe s citizens are also faced with racism in the fields of the farms as there is an internal conflict between the black and the white farmer. In Angola, ethnic discrimination by the Unita to the Ovimbundu has lead to the deaths of thousands as a result of jealously and envy.

In order to tackle the complex phenomenon of racism, the problem itself needed to be acknowledged and remedial measures had to be taken at all levels, local, national and international. Regrettably, within the United Nations system the issue of racism had not received the priority attention, which it deserved. The Program of Action of the Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination had been improperly implemented owing to insufficient resources; the request made by the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights to establish a focal point on racism in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights had yet to be fulfilled. Moreover, attempts to confuse racism with other aspects of discrimination had meant that attention had been diverted from racial discrimination itself. Therefore it is very important that we concentrate on these issues when examining the situation in Africa.

We hope that the conference will lead to more discussion on this topic. IT seems as though funding through mediation should also be an option at this time. Racism is not an issue that should be taken lightly. Bangladesh believes that racism is unacceptable and should not be tolerated under and circumstance. In our own country, we successfully combated this issue, and have shown success. Bangladesh also believes that NGO s should participate in this discussion and help evaluate and alleviate the problem.

World Summit on Racism

Topic: Migrant Rights-The State of Immigrants in Europe

Bangladesh: Randi Rothbaum

Bangladesh strongly believes that, in this World Summit Against Racism, we should examine the issues of racism faced by immigrants seeking asylum. In almost every country there is a significant immigrant population; hardly any nation now is racially or culturally homogeneous. There is or should be an automatic cross-fertilization of cultures. In some countries, this has happened, but that is rare. More often than not, immigrants are alienated from the mainstream, economically and socially disadvantaged. in reaction, they try to recapture and preserve the cultures of their motherland in an unwelcoming setting; they face a choice between imperfect assimilation or an assertive display of cultural distinctiveness, which casts its dark shadow in the return of racism and xenophobia to countries from which they had withdrawn for a while. Europe is an example of this issue, and one that we should place close attention too, as illegal immigration also threatens the futures of many.

In examining this problem in Europe, we believe that it is important that we concentrate on the issue of racism itself, rather then the problems of unemployment and trafficking of these immigrants. We believe that that is an issue of another branch of the UN. Rather we believe we should concentrate on the hardships of these immigrants feel in there new how. The racism that many of these new immigrants are persecuted because of their race or religion. However, we do not believe that there should be a distinct disadvantage for these citizens, such as tax cuts or extra benefits. Rather we believe that immersement programs should be instilled, and immigrants should be better situated in society. Also education programs should be examined, to make these immigrants be on par with the original inhabitants. But more importantly the idea should be the strive for equality; we hope to reach this goal through programs that make these refugees equal to those in their country of residence.

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