Методические указания для изучения грамматических основ английского языка для студентов Iкурса всех специальностей
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений : методические указания для изучения грамматических основ английского языка для студентов I курса всех специальностей / сост. С. Е. Мельчагова. Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан гос ун-та, 2007. 45 с
Английский язык
Сборник упражнений
Хабаровск 2007
Государственное образовательное учреждение
Высшего профессионального образования
«Тихоокеанский Государственный Университет»
Английский язык
Сборник упражнений
Методические указания для изучения грамматических основ
английского языка для студентов I курса
всех специальностей
Издательство ТОГУ
УДК 801.5=20(076.5)
Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений : методические указания для изучения грамматических основ английского языка для студентов I курса всех специальностей / сост. С. Е. Мельчагова. - Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан. гос. ун-та, 2007. - 45 с.
Методические указания разработаны на кафедре «Иностранные языки». Методические указания содержат упражнения, направленные на обучение грамматике английскому языку на начальном этапе.
Печатается в соответствии с решениями кафедры «Иностранные языки» и методического совета международного факультета.
© Тихоокеанский
университет, 2007
Общие положения ………………………………………………………….…....4
1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция……………………………………………..5
2. Имя существительное (The Noun)
2.1. Множественное число (Number)………………………………….…...5
2.2. Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive case)………………………...7
2.3. Артикль (The Article)…………………………………………………...8
3. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns)……………………..12
3.1. Some, any и их производные………………………………………….12
3.2. Much, many; few /little (a few \ a little)………………………………..13
4. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, возвратные…………………...14
5. Имя прилагательное (The Adjective)………………………………………15
6. Глагол to be………………………………………………………………….16
7. Вопросительные предложения (Interrogative Sentences)…………………17
8. Конструкция: there is / are, there was / were, there will be………………...18
9. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)……………………………………….. 19
10. Времена группы Indefinite Active………………………………………... 20
11. Времена группы Continuous Active……………………………………… 21
12. Времена группы Perfect Active…………………………………………...23
13. Время: Настоящее совершенное длительное
(The Present Perfect Continuous)…………………………………………...24
14. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)……………………………….. 25
15. Герундий (Gerund)………………………………………………………… 26
16. Причастия (The Participle I, The Participle II)……………………………. 27
17. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)………………………………………………...29
18. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное подлежащее
(Complex Subject)…………………………………………………………...30
19. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное дополнение
(Complex Object)…………………………………………………………… 31
20. Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech).
Согласование времен в косвенной речи (Sequence of Tenses)…………. 32
21. Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood)…………………....33
22. Словообразование (Word Building)………………………………………. 35
23. Предлоги (Prepositions)…………………………………………………… 38
1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция……………………………………....39
2. Таблица неправильных глаголов (Irregular verbs)………………….. 43
Общие положения
В условиях бурного развития экономики, техники, стремительно развивающихся отношений между странами иностранный язык приобретает новый статус, становясь посредником в межкультурной коммуникации. Становление профессионала в любой отрасли означает выход на высокой коммуникативный уровень не только в пределах своей страны, но и зарубежом. В таких условиях требуются расширенные знания иностранного языка, как устного, так и письменного.
На сегодняшний момент целью изучения иностранного языка становится не только чтение и понимание иноязычных текстов, но и практическое владение иностранным языком на уровне межкультурной коммуникации. Одним из начальных шагов овладения иностранным языком является изучение грамматических основ. Именно грамматика закладывает правильное понимание языка и его использование.
Цели и задачи методических указаний
Данные методические указания ставят своей целью расширить знания студентов по грамматике английского языка с практическим использованием грамматических правил посредством разнообразных упражнений.
Методические указания предназначены как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы студентов на начальном этапе изучения английского языка.
Данная работа поможет студентам понять грамматическую структуру английского языка и правильно использовать лексические единицы.
Рекомендации по использованию дополнительной литературы
В работе над упражнениями необходимо использовать справочники по грамматике английского языка:
1. Агабекян И. П. Английский язык для технических вузов / И. П. Агабекян, П. И Коваленко. - Ростов н/Д, 2002. - 352 с.
2. Коваленко П. И. Английский язык для экономистов / П. И. Коваленко. - М., 2001. - 208 с.
3. Качалова К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич.- М., 2000. - 718 с.
1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция
1. Назовите по порядку буквы в следующих словах, дайте их транскрипцию и определите, сколько букв и сколько звуков в каждом слове:
Ceiling, window, chair, piece, chalk, word, question, colour, light, blue, come, eight.
2. Прочитайте следующие слова вслух и объясните по каким правилам они читаются:
a) mine, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, me, meet, lend, seem, pep, beef, see, sea, send, pie, pale, tape, same, Sam, land, tame, aim, leave, beat, line, man, dent, fit, style, file, pet, stay, cap, can, neck, peck, fact, gate, gem, gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, game, gag, Jim, Jane, shame, dish, she, shape, chest, chin, match, chick, chill, this, that, these, theme, faith, thick, thin.
b) note, lot, code, cot, tone, sock, bone, moon, look, took, fool, cool, cook, sport, corn, or, fork, cart, cell, cod, spin, mice, star, cup, cube, nut, mute, butter, rung, huge, wake, weak, wig, wine, way, weed, coin, boy, toy, join, now, bow, town, vow, gown, down, out, scout, term, first, bird, stern, turn, curl, serf, herb, want, wash, was, watt, whale, wheat, ward, when, whole, why, who, whose.
c) quite, quick, quest, quiz, quaver, quits; small, fall, tall, call, all; chalk, walk, stalk, chalk; new, few, stew, pew, hew, pewter, hewn, news; write, wrest, wrung, wrist, wreck, wrap, wry, wrong; English, angry, angle; high, nigh, right, bright, might, light, fight.
d) she, meek, reel, grim, happy, pony, sack, lad, darn, got, lard, pond, mule, bloom, butter, ugly, rudder, sink, mill, fuss, hobby, fly, cube, seep, pep, send, stove, made, Sam, pane, sand, sand, plate, mean, heat, pine, sty, teach, close, clock, shelf, cock, tape, tone, bud, fun, fume, laid, bay, tube, far, hard, term, bird, skirt, thirsty, icy, free, party, peg, gent, peck, skin, single.
e) fate, fat, far, fare; Peter, pet, pert, here; style, gyps, Byrd, tyre; file, fill, first, fired; tube, tub, turn, cure; bone, lot, form, store.
2. Имя существительное ( The Noun )
2.1. Множественное число ( Number )
1. Определите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль a или an :
Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.
2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:
Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.
Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.
Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.
3. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе:
1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary . 4. Where is the knife ? 5. This factory has a good laboratory . 6. The last leaf fell from the tree . 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting. 9. He left the key on the table. 10. Where is the brush ? 11. I like his new play . 12. The roof of the house was covered with snow. 13. The wife of the sailor came to the shore. 14. A copy of the contract was sent to Leningrad. 15. The cargo of the steamer consists of different raw materials.
4. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единственном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении:
1. Women and children came to the shore. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost. 3. The wolves have been shot. 4. The mice were caught. 5. These factories produce furniture. 6. Copies of these letters will be sent to Leningrad. 7. The cargoes will be discharged tomorrow.
5. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Летом мы едим очень много фруктов. 2. Его волосы совсем темные. 3. Я купил эти часы в Ленинграде. Они очень хорошие. 4. Я не мог войти в сад, так как ворота были закрыты. 5. Эти новости очень интересные. 6. Ваши советы мне очень помогли сегодня. 7. Кому принадлежат эти деньги? 8. Он сделал большой успех в английском языке. 9. В этом году фрукты очень дешевые. 10. Сани стояли у ворот. 11. Его одежда совсем новая. 12. Его заработная плата очень высока. 13. Недалеко отсюда находится стекольный завод. 14. Товар только что прибыл. 15. Экспорт этого товара значительно увеличился. 16. Содержание его письма было совсем неожиданным.
2.2. Притяжательный падеж ( The Possessive Case )
1. Замените, где возможно, существительное с предлогом « of » формой притяжательного падежа:
1. The new club of the workers. 2. The poems of Lermontov. 3. The clothes of the boys. 4. The walls of the room. 5. The plays of Shakespeare. 6. The voice of his sister. 7. The solders of the Commander-in-Chief. 8. The pages of the book. 9. The watch of my friend Peter. 10. The birthday of my daughter Helen. 11. The parents of all the other boys. 12. The boats of the fish men. 13. The opinion of the lawyer. 14. The signature of Mr. Brown. 15. The offer of the seller. 16. The conclusions of the expert. 17. The house of my father-in-law.
2. Замените форму притяжательного падежа существительным с предлогом « of »:
1. My father’s library. 2. The doctor’s prescription. 3. The ship’s crew. 4. The teacher’s order. 5. The engineer’s drawings. 6. The buyer’s confirmation. 7. The ship-owners’ instructions. 8. Mr. Brown’s proposal. 9. The sellers’ claim. 10. The representative’s report.
3. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Знаете ли вы адрес Иванова? 2. Есть ли у вас карта Европы? 3. Рабочий день моего брата на этой фабрике длится 8 часов. 4. Муж моей сестры Елены уехал в Киев. 5. Мы еще не получили ответа покупателей. 6. Они сообщили нам о прибытии парохода. 7. Матросы немедленно выполнили приказание капитана. 8. Я не знаю еще решения директора.
4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражения без притяжательного падежа:
Trade talks. Consumer goods. Food sales. Exchange rate. Wheat consumption. Flax production. Long-term credits. Power station equipment. Sugar price. Coal supply situation. Wholesale prices index. World cotton stocks. Profit and loss account. Cotton yarn production figures. Moscow University. Cambridge collage.
2.3 Артикль ( The Article )
1. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли a , an :
1. I usually smoke … cigarettes or … pipe. My father smokes … cigars. 2. Give me … match, please. 3. Are there … matches in that box? 4. Is there … bookshop in this street? I want to buy … books. 5. … watchmaker repairs … watches and … clocks. 6. There is … sofa and … armchairs in this room. 7. Did you buy … boots or … shoes? 8. Andrew is … accountant. He is … chief of the bookkeeping department of … large organization. 9. Mr. Ivanov is … architect: his two brothers are … engineers. 10. There are … books and … magazines on the table. 11. What … strange man! 12. What … interesting books!
2. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:
1. … coal is one of … mоst important natural resources of our country. 2. … most common kind of … fuel used by man is … wood. 3. Put … wood on … fire. 4. … silver is not so heavy as … gold. 5. … iron is … metal. 6. … iron ore found in that mine is of high quality. 7. Please cut … grass in the garden. 8. Pour … milk into the cup, please. 9. … milk which you brought in the morning has turned sour. 10. We make … butter and … cheese from … milk. 11. … tea is very hot, I must put … milk in it. 12. Buy … tobacco, please. 13. Pass me … sugar, please. 14. … windows were in … light and … air. 15. We go to school on … foot. 16. In … morning I get up at seven. 17. … dog is … domestic animal. 18. By … way, let us go to the cinema. 19. … his dog is very clever. 20. This is … my house. 21. He is … cleverest boy in class. 22. Go to … room 7. 23. I go to school by … bus. 24. … President of … our state came to … our university.
3. Употребите артикль с существительными, значение которых определяется ситуацией.
1. Whats … matter? Have you lost ... keys again? 2. Whats … date today? Wheres ... calendar? 3. Whats … time? Ive left ... watch at home. 4. Describe ... situation to us, will you? 5. Put ...dictionary in its place. 6. Are you going to lay table? - Yes, but where is ... table-cloth? 7. I think we must put... fridge in the corner. 8. Where are ... tickets? ... performance begins in half an hour. 9. - Clean carpet. - But ... vacuum-cleaner is out of order 10. We accepted ... invitation with great pleasure. 11. Water ... flowers, ... water is in the jug. 12. Switch on ... light, ... light is very bad here. 13. Iron ... dress, will you? ... party begins very soon.
4. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенными словами.
А . 1. The rose was approved of by the Congress of the USA as the National Flower. 2. The avocado is the most caloric fruit eaten by humans. 3. The cat was first domesticated by ancient Egyptians. 4. The papaya is very useful, it can make you look younger. 5. The m ountain goat , which is often referred to as the old man of the mountains, is not really a goat. It is an antelope. 6. The belladonna (beautiful lady) plant is both useful and dangerous to humans. 7. The cockroach is believed to be the oldest insect on the Earth. 8. The Australian coala bear feeds mostly on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.
B. 1. Anthropology shows the development of man on the Earth. 2. The diamond is the hardest natural substance known to man. 3. In the short life of man, no lost time can be afforded. 4. Man proposes, God disposes. 5. The great destination of woman is to awaken love. 6. The pessimist sees the difficulty in any opportunity, the optimist sees the opportunity in any difficulty. 7. The atom was known to the ancient Greeks. 8. The bicycle is a very popular means of transport in China. 9. The article is a small word which means a lot. 10. Alexander Bell was a genius to invent the telephone. 11. The brothers Lumiitr invented the cinema. 12. The radio was invented long before television. 13. The garden has always been a religious symbol starting from the Koran and the Bible.
5. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.
A . 1. Pass me ... bread, please. I like ... rye bread. 2. Put ... kettle on the fire. Wed like ... hot tea. 3. How much is ... dictionary? Is it... expensive book? 4. Where are ... children? Theyve gone for ... walk. 5. Shall I really buy ... coat? Isnt it too long? 6. Look at ... girl. She is like … calendar picture. 7. - Where did you get ... cat from? - From ... friend. 8. Is ... water filtered? Can I use it? 9. I cant say that I enjoyed ... film. 10. Shall I warm up ... soup? - No, Ill have it as it is. 11. Where is ... money? - Ive no ... idea. 12. May I have a look at ... ring, please?
B . 1. I have ... family. ... family is not big, but friendly. 2. This is ... wonderful car. ... car is my brothers. 3. Jane bought... dictionary. She paid much for ... book. 4. The policeman saw ... strange man near the bank. He recognized ... man. 5. Its ... beautiful flower. I am sure, Mary left ... flower here. 6. They arrived at ... very old house. ... house looked dark and unfriendly. 7. What ... funny little dog! Is ... dog yours? 8. Once upon a time there lived ... greedy king. ... king was not popular. 9. They found ... cottage in the forest. Not ... sound came from ... house. 10. They entered ... old-fashioned room and in ... room there sat … strange figure. 11. Long ago there lived ... magician. ... magician was clever and kind. 12. One day Molly found ... old book in the library She found ... wonderful story in ... book.
6. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.
Bens mother sent him to ... shop to buy ... rice, ... fish and ... bread. She also told him to get ... salt. ... sugar and ... vegetables. When he got back home with ... purchases, his mother was dissatisfied. Look at ... products, Ben, she said. ... fish isnt fresh, ... rice is old and full of weevils and ... bread is stale. There are ... lumps in ... salt, ... vegetables are not fresh and ... sugar is dirty. ... food is expensive and now Ill have to throw away some of... things youve bought. Next time be more careful, Ben!
7. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенными словами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Although Australia is the smallest continent, it is the largest island in the world. 2. Luxembourg is a small country in Europe between France , Belgium and Germany , 3. The population of the Russian Federation is about 150 million people. 4. The Empire State Building in Fifth Avenue is a symbol of New York 5. The Low Countries include the Netherlands , Belgium and Luxembourg . They were so named because they are flat and near sea level. 6. The six island countries of the West Indies are the Bahamas , Barbados , Cuba , the Dominican Republic , Haiti and Jamaica . 7. Pyongyang i s the capital of North Korea . Seoul is the capital of South Korea . 8. Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and Europe . The dividing line is the Bosporus , a strait that connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea . 9. Vatican is the Popes Palace on the Vatican Hill in Rome . The Vatican City is the only surviving Papal state. 10. Monaco is a tiny independent country on the Mediterranean coast of France near Italy . 11. We stayed at the Viking Hotel in Copenhagen , the capital of Denmark . 12. The South Bank Centre in London consists of the National Theatre , the National Film Theatre , the Museum of the Moving Image , the Hayward Gallery , the Festival Concert Hall. 13. The Washington Monument gives a splendid view of the city. 14. My Italian friends took me to see the Colloseum and the Forum . 15. The White House is now better known around the globe than palaces in Europe . 16. The Capitol is the place where the inauguration of the President of the USA takes place. 17. Eton College is a famous and exclusive public school for boys. It is situated in Eton , a town about 20 miles west of London , on the River Thames . 18. Guildford Cathedral is close to Surrey University , which is in South-East Anglia . 19. San-Paulo is a city in South-East Brazil . It is the largest city in South America . 20. Heathrow is the worlds busiest international airport. 21. The Taj Mahal in the city of Agra in northern India is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. 22. The Forbidden City is located in Beijing (Peking ), the capital of China. It was so named because it was the residence of the Emperor and very few people could visit it. 23. The Great Wall in China stretches for some 1,500 miles. 24. Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain, in southern England .
8. Какие из географических названий имеют определенный артикль:
1. Kilimanjaro, Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, Hudson Bay, Laptev sea, Urals, Kalahari, Volga, Madeira, English Channel, Palm Beach, Olympus, South Pole, Suez Canal, Sicily, Lake Chad, Bermuda Triangle, Malay Archipelago, Kara-Kum.
2. United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Far East, Brussels, Netherlands, Hague, Northern Europe, Russian Museum, Middle East, Roman Empire, Miami Airport, Nobel Prize, Republic of Ireland, Athens, Winter Palace, Eiffel Tower, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands.
9. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.
A . 1. ... Antarctic is the home for penguins, dolphins and whales. 2. She was sent to ... Persian Gulf as a correspondent. 3. ... Europe extends from ... British Isles in the west towards ... Urals in the east. 4. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. 5. We had an unforgettable experience in … Austrian Alps. 6. ... Iceland is a volcanic island. 7. If you want to see ... Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to ... Kenya. 8. It hasnt rained for several hundred years in ... Atakama in ... South America. 9. The hunters got lost in ... Rocky Mountains. 10. Many centuries ago ... Vesuvius destroyed ... Pompeii. 11. Most toxic waste water drains directly into ... Labe (Elbe) River in ... eastern Bohemia. 12. Life in ... Cyprus follows the rhythm of the sun. 13. The most famous Italian river is ... Tiber, which runs from ... Apennine Mountains and empties itself into ... Tyrrhenian Sea. 14. I wish I could visit ... Lake Chad in ... North Central Africa. 15. You simply must come to ... Tatras for skiing. 16. ... French Riviera is on ... Mediterranean south coast of... France. 17. The oldest country in the world is ... Iran, which was known as ... Persia until 1934. It has been independent since 529 B.C.
B . 1. ... White Tower in London was built between 1078 and 1098. 2. They always stay at ... Coral Sands Hotel when they come to ... Sidney. 3. Excuse me, how can I get to ... Natural History Museum? 4. ... Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in ... USA. 5. ... Freer Gallery of Art has a rich collection of Asian and American Art. 6. - Does this bus go to ... Sheremetyevo Airport? - Yes, it does. 7. You can say whatever you like in ... Speakers Corner in ... Hyde Park. 8. You can get a ticket to ... Moscow International Festival at the kiosk next to ... GUM. 9. Who built ...St. Basils Cathedral? 10. Most news comes from ... BBC and ... CNN. 11. ... Buckingham Palace, ... Trafalgar Square, ... Houses of Parliament, ... Tower of London,... Tower Bridge, ... National Gallery are the usual sights in ... English capital. 12. ... Friary Centre is in ... Willow Street. 13. The capital of... China has two names: ... Beijing and ... Peking. 14. ... Mexico, ... New York, … Tokyo are the biggest and the most polluted cities in the world. 15. The capital of... Republic of San-Marino is ... San-Marino. 16. ... London Zoo is the oldest in the world. 17. ... Charing Cross Bridge is a railway bridge which crosses ... Thames in ... Central London 18. ... Statue of... Liberty is a gift from the French people to the American people. It stands on ... Liberty Island in ... New York Harbour. 19. About 190 states are members of ... United Nations Organization. 20. Our solar system is a small part of ... Galaxy. ... Universe includes billions of ... galaxies. Our galaxy is called ... Milky Way. We can see stars and planets from ... Earth. There are ten principal planets: ... Sun and ... Moon, ... Mercury, ... Venus, ... Mars, ... Jupiter, ... Saturn, ... Uranus, ... Neptune, ... Pluto. The names of the planets came from Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
3. Неопределенные местоимения ( Indefinite Pronouns )
3.1. Some , any и их производные
1. Вставьте somebody, anybody or everybody, nobody:
1. The questions were so difficult that . . . could answer it. 2. . . . left his bag in our classroom yesterday. 3. Has . . . in this group got a dictionary? 4. I am afraid there is . . . in the office now. It is too late. 5. . . . knows that water is necessary for plants. 6. Is there . . . here who knows English? 7. You must find . . . who can help you. 8. . . . knew anything about our home task. 9. . . . can answer this question. It is very easy. 10. There is … in the next room. I don’t know him. 11. Please tell us the story. . . . knows it. 12. Is there . . . in my group who lives in the hostel? 13. Has . . . here got a red pencil?
2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями everybody , everything , everywhere :
1. Yesterday I looked . . . for my umbrella. 2. Did you go . . . on foot? 3. . . . bought souvenirs on the trip. 4. I’ve done . . . you told me to do. 5. They did . . . possible to finish their home work. 6. We wanted to see . . . in the museum but, of course, it was impossible. 7. I’ll do … for you, if you ask me. 8. … is present.
3. Заполните пропуски местоимениями something , anything , nothing :
Danny: I’m going to the disco tonight with Tina and I haven’t got … to wear.
John: What did you say? You have … to wear! You’ve got more clothes than the Queen.
Danny: Well, I haven’t got … nice to wear. There’s … I like in my wardrobe.
John: Here, take this. This is … to wear.
Danny: Your best Armani shirt! Thanks, John. You are a real friend. And now I should hurry. I have to buy … for Tina.
4. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями :
1. Is there … I can do to help you? 2. Listen! There’s … at the door. 3. I don’t want … for my birthday. 4. Is there … who can help me? 5. We are going … warm for the holidays. 6. Let’s buy … nice for Mum. 7. – Is there … here? 8. – No, there’s …
5. Переведите на английский:
1. Тут есть кто-нибудь? 2. В саду никого нет. 3. В нашей комнате есть кто-нибудь? 4. В классе есть кто-то. 5. Там никого нет. 6. В саду есть кто-нибудь? 7. На столе есть что-нибудь? – Нет, там ничего нет. 8. В сумке что-то есть. 9. В этой книге есть что-нибудь интересное? 10. На стене есть какие-нибудь картины? – Да, там есть несколько. 11. В кабинете директора есть кто-нибудь? – Нет, там никого нет. 12. В нашей библиотеке есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке. 13. В вашей библиотеке есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке? 14. Мой друг не хочет мне ничего сказать. 15. Я хочу провести летние каникулы где-нибудь на берегу Черного моря.
3. 2. Much, many; few/ little (a few/ a little)
1. Переведите на английский:
Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много сахара, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.
2. Вставьте much or many:
1. Please don’t ask me . . . questions. 2. How . . . money have you got? 3. I never eat . . . bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so . . . ice-cream? 5. She wrote us . . . letters from the country. 6. . . . of these students don’t like to look for words in the dictionary. 7. . . . in this work was too difficult for me. 8. He spent . . . time writing his composition in Literature. 9. There were . . . plates on the table. 10. Thank you very . . . ! 11. . . . of my friends are preparing for their entrance examinations now. 12. I don’t like . . . sugar in my tea.
3. Вставьте little/a little, few/a few :
1. There is … salad in this bowl. 2. Would you like … salad? 3. I have … money, so we can go to the cinema. 4. I have … money, so we can not go to the cinema. 5. The girl works very …, so she knows nothing. 6. Mother gave us … apples, we were very glad. 7. He did not like it at the camp: he had very … friends at the camp. 8. The hall was almost empty: there were very … people in it. 9. She left and returned in … minutes. 10. I think you can spare me … time now. 11. I am sorry I have seen … plays by this author.
4. Вставьте much, many, little, a little, few, a few:
1. I’d like to say . . . words about my traveling. 2. She gave him . . . water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had . . . English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson everybody felt . . . tired. 5. Let’s stay here . . . longer. I like it here. 6. There were . . . new words in the text and Peter spent . . . time learning them. 7. There was . . . sugar in the bowl, and we had to put . . . sugar there. 8. My mother knows German . . . and she can help you with the translation of this text. 9. When we walked . . . farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 10. Have you got . . . time before the lesson?
5. Переведите на английский:
1. В стакане есть немного молока. 2. В тетради осталось мало чистых страниц. 3. У тебя много кофе? – Нет, очень мало. 4. Немногие из англичан говорят по-русски. 5. У них здесь очень мало друзей. 6. У него очень мало времени для чтения. 7. У Петра много русских книг и мало английских книг. 8. У меня есть немного времени вечером, чтобы закончить эту работу. 9. Я провожу много времени в библиотеке, потому что я готовлюсь к экзаменам. 10. Огромное спасибо. 11. Я очень люблю мороженое.
4. М естоимения: личные, притяжательные, возвратные
1. Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями:
1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary to buy the tickets . 3. The man gave the books to the boy . 4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not suitable for young children . 6. Helen worked hard at history .
2. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-прилагательные или местоимения-существительные:
1. Tell him not to forget … ticket she mustn’t forget … either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they … or … ? 3. I see that he has lost … pencil; perhaps you can lend him … ? 4. Lend them … dictionary; they have left … at home. 5. My trunk is heavier than … . 6. We’ve taken … dictionaries; has she taken … ? 7. Those seats are not … , they are … . 8. This does not look like … book, it must be … .
3. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Он сломал мое перо, но дал мне свое. 2. Я не знаю, куда я положил свой словарь. 3. Она рассказала мне вчера о своей поездке в Ленинград. 4. Она любит рассказывать нам о своих детях. 5. Я прочту вам свое сочинение и хочу, чтобы вы прочли мне свое. 6. Я вижу, что у вас нет словаря, я хочу дать вам свой. 7. Я потерял свое перо. Не можете ли вы дать мне свое? 8. Ее брат и мой работали в прошлом году в Ленинграде. 9. Этот словарь мой, а не ваш. 10. Я еще не написал свои упражнения. А ваши готовы? 11. Вот ваш портфель. А где мой? 12. Они всегда готовят уроки дома.
4. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Вы видели этот фильм? Да, я видел его вчера. 2. У них не будет урока английского языка сегодня, так как их преподаватель болен. 3. Вы видели профессора вчера? Да, я видел его и его жену. Я их видел в клубе. Я видел там также их сына. 4. Это очень интересный журнал. Дайте мне его, пожалуйста. 5. Тема лекции – «Радио и его использование в нашей стране». 6. Попросите их придти сюда после урока. Я хочу объяснить им их ошибки в грамматических упражнениях. 7. Он дал нам эти книги и попросил нас вернуть их ему на следующий день.
5. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:
1. I will ask him … . 2. She will answer the letter … . 3. We’ll do it … . 4. Did you invite him … ? 5. He wants to do it … . 6. Be careful! You will hurt … . 7. I looked at … in the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coat to protect … from the rain. 9. Put They told me the news … .
6. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Я сам отвечу на это письмо. 2. Он не любит говорить о себе. 3. Они хотят это сделать сами. 4. Она хочет это сделать сама. 5. Как вы себя чувствуете? 6. Не брейтесь в темноте, вы порежетесь. 7. Ваш отец сам был здесь. 8. Я часто купался в море, когда жил на юге. 9. Он обжегся. 10. Они очень много рассказывали нам о себе. 11. Я оставлю эту книгу для себя.
5. Имя прилагательное ( The Adjective )
1. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосходную степень:
Big, heavy, short, dirty, clean, near, bad, famous, little, much, clever, good, expensive, cheap, important, pale, hot, beautiful, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, dry, flat, fresh, full, quick, late, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.
2. Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:
1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (practical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the house. 9. London is the (large) city in England. 10. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 11. Our house is (low) than yours. 12. This exercise is (good) than the last one. 13. My cigarettes are (bad) than yours. 14. Yesterday was the (hot) day we have had this summer. 15. When the war ended, the reconstruction of Moscow was resumed on a (large) scale than before. 16. The Battle of Stalingrad was the (great) battle of all times.
3. Заполните пропуски словами as … as , not so … as :
1. The temperature to-day is … high … it was yesterday. 2. He is not … old … he looks. 3. He is … strong … his brother. 4. This street is … wide … the next one. 5. The trunk is not … heavy … I expected it to be. 6. His radio set is not … powerful … mine. 7. She is … tall … her sister. 8. In Kislovodsk it is not … hot … in Sochi.
4. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Россия – самая большая страна в мире. 2. Новое здание Московского университета – одно из самых высоких зданий Москвы. 3. Этот текст – самый трудный из всех текстов, которые мы когда-либо переводили. 4. Земля больше Луны. 5. Ваш брат старше вас? Нет, он моложе меня. 6. Сегодня ветер не такой сильный, как вчера. 7. Февраль самый короткий месяц в году. 8. Сегодня мы писали более трудный диктант, чем вчера. 9. Сегодня так же жарко, как и вчера. 10. В прошлом году я тратил на английский язык меньше времени, чем в этом году. 11. Эта аудитория меньше нашей. 12. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал. 13. Эта книга гораздо интересней вашей. 14. Сегодня не намного холоднее, чем вчера. 15. Этот мальчик самый младший в своем классе. 16. Вы должны теперь тратить на английский язык больше времени, чем в прошлом семестре. 17. Моя комната больше вашей. 18. Ваш чемодан гораздо тяжелее моего. 19. Ваш доклад был гораздо интереснее его доклада. 20. Мое пальто не такое теплое, как ваше. 21. Мое перо гораздо хуже вашего. 22. Это крайне важный вопрос. 23. Мы должны обсудить сегодня крайне важные вопросы. 24. Большинство моих приятелей студенты. 25. Большинство людей любит фрукты. 26. Он истратил большую часть своих денег на книги.
6. Глагол to be
1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple :
1. The students … in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they … in the Hermitage. There … an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they … in the Tretyakov Gallery. They … lucky. 4. My father … a teacher. 5. He … a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I … a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister … not … at home tomorrow. 8. She … at school tomorrow. 9. … you … at home tomorrow? 10. … your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister … ill last week. 12. She … not ill now. 13. Yesterday we … at the theatre. 14. Where … your mother now? – She … in the kitchen. 15. Where … you yesterday? – I … at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family … at home. 17. … your little sister in bed now? – Yes, she … 18. … you … at school tomorrow? – Yes, I …. 19. When my granny … young, she … an actress. 20. My friend … in Moscow now. 21. He … in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where … your books now? – They … in my bag.
2. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple :
Ronald Frank … a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He … always on a business trip. Yesterday he … in Geneva. Tomorrow he … in London. Last week he … in Chicago. Next week he … in New Orleans. At the moment he … in Amsterdam. In two hours he … in the Hague. Three days ago he … in Paris. At the end of his trip he … usually very tired but happy. He … with his family now. His sons … so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family … very glad to see him at home again.
3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы to be в Present , Past или Future Simple :
1. Вчера они были в библиотеке. 2. Сейчас они в школе. 3. Завтра они будут в театре. 4. В данный момент его здесь нет. 5. В воскресенье он будет на концерте. 6. В прошлую субботу он был на стадионе. 7. Мой брат сейчас в школе. 8. Мой брат был вчера в кино. 9. Мой брат будет завтра дома. 10. Ты будешь дома завтра? 11. Она была вчера в парке? 12. Он сейчас во дворе? 13. Где папа? 14. Где вы были вчера? 15. Где он будет завтра? 16. Мои книги были на столе. Где они сейчас? 17. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. Она была дома. 18. Мой друг не в парке. Он в школе. 19. Завтра в три часа Коля и Маша будут во дворе. 20. Мы не были на юге прошлым летом. Мы были в Москве. 21. Завтра мой дедушка будет в деревне. 22. Когда твоя сестра будет дома? 23. Ты будешь летчиком? – Нет, я буду моряком. 24. Моя сестра была студенткой в прошлом году, а сейчас она врач. Ты тоже будешь врачом? – Нет, я не буду врачом. Я буду инженером. 25. Они не были в кино. 26. Они не в школе. 27. Они дома. 28. Вы были в парке вчера? 29. Он был в школе вчера? 30. Он был рабочим. 31. Она была учительницей.
7. Вопросительные предложения ( Interrogative Sentences )
1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям: 1. General – общие. 2. Special – специальные. 3. Tail Question – разделительные:
1. There is a book on the table. 2. He must work hard today. 3. We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4. We were reading the whole evening. 5. They don’t go to work on Sunday. 6. It is not cold today. 7. Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8. We learn English at school. 9. They will show you how to get there. 10. They finished the translation before the end of the lesson. 11. I didn’t feel well than evening. 12. It wasn’t difficult to do this task.
2. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям (общие и специальные):
1. Our family lives in a three-room flat.
2. They went to the same school.
3. He will read this book tomorrow.
4. They are playing chess now.
5. Our friend is working now.
6. Her mother is an accountant.
3. Переведите:
1. Вам нравится больше английский или французский?
2. Он живет в Ростове или в области?
3. Она его младшая или старшая сестра?
4. Студенты уже сдали экзамены или нет?
5. Петровы поедут летом на юг или на север?
6. Ваш друг учится в академии или в университете?
7. Он знает ее лучше или вы?
4. Задайте специальные вопросы:
1. Our teacher knows several foreign languages. 2. He graduated from our University last year. 3. We will go to Samara next week. 4. They are working in our garden. 5. I have just read this book. 6. I took this book from my friend. 7. He likes reading books. 8. She has many relatives abroad. 9. They were in many countries. 10. Russian is the largest country in the world.
8. Конструкция : there is/ are, there was/were, there will be
1. Поставьте глагол to be в нужную форму:
1. There … a telegram on the table. 2. There … a table in the room. 3. There … some pupils in the class. 4. There … a table, a window, a chair in the room. 5. Some years ago there … many new streets in our city. 6. There … much snow in the street. 7. Next year there … … a new school here. 8. There … three books on the piano. 9. … there a theatre in the city? 10. … there many places of interest in London? 11. …there a test last lesson?
2. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени:
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are four theaters in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are three rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.
3. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are four theaters in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are three rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.
4. Переведите:
1. В Москве много красивых зданий. 2. Кремль находится в центре Москвы. 3. В его докладе было несколько ошибок. 4. В Сибире много рек. 5. Театр находится на улице Карла Маркса. 6. В нашем городе много школ и институтов. 7. На том столе много журналов. 8. В этой комнате два окна. 9. Много инженеров на нашем заводе. 10. Пять лет назад здесь не было школы. 11. Интересная книга лежит на столе. 12. На столе лежит книга. 13. У меня на столе есть интересная книга. 14. У него в диктанте нет ошибок. 15. В этом диктанте нет ошибок. 16. Здесь много интересных статей. 17. У неё много интересных статей. 18. В этом классе много девочек. 19. У них в классе мало девочек. 20. Недалеко от дома есть новая школа. 21. Новая школа находится недалеко от дома. 22. Театр находится в центре города. 23. В центре города находится театр. 24. В следующем году там будет новая школа. 25. Новая школа будет там.
5. Переведите:
1. В Москве много красивых зданий? 2. Кремль находится в центре Москвы? 3. В его докладе было несколько ошибок? 4. В Сибире много рек? 5. Театр находится на улице Карла Маркса? 6. В нашем городе много школ и институтов? 7. На том столе много журналов? 8. В этой комнате два окна? 9. Много инженеров на нашем заводе? 10. Пять лет назад здесь не было школы? 11. Интересная книга лежит на столе? 12. на столе лежит книге? 13. У меня на столе есть интересная книга? 14. У него в диктанте нет ошибок? 15. В этом диктанте нет ошибок? 16. Здесь много интересных статей? 17. У неё много интересных статей? 18. В этом классе много девочек? 19. У них в классе мало девочек? 20. Недалеко от дома есть новая школа? 21. Новая школа находится недалеко от дома? 22. Театр находится в центре города? 23. В центре города находится театр? 24. В следующем году там будет новая школа? 25. Новая школа будет там?
9. Модальные глаголы ( Modal verbs ).
1. Переведите:
1. Who can answer my question?
2. Nobody could translate this text.
3. He ought to do this task at once.
4. Must I attend this meeting? – No, you needn’t.
5. You should have shown your notes to the teacher.
6. I asked him, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
7. They should visit her, she is in the hospital.
8. Last summer we would often go to country.
9. Your son can do this work himself.
10. Would you tell me the way to the station?
11. Your friend might have informed us.
12. May I leave for a while? – Yes, you may.
13. She should be more attentive at the lessons.
14. You needn’t come so early.
2. Вставьте соответствующие модальные глаголы:
1. I … not go to the theatre with them last night, I … revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and … get up early. 3. All of us … be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he … stay at the office after work. He (not) … stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and … get home early. 5. … you … work hard to do well in your English? 6. “… we discuss this question now?” “No, we … . We … do it tomorrow afternoon.” 7. I’m glad you … come. 8. “… you … come and have dinner with us tomorrow?” “I’d love to.” 9. “Please send them this article.” “Oh, … I do it now?”
3. Переведите, используя модальные глаголы:
1. Мы обязательно должны писать диктант сегодня? – Да, завтра мы будем учить новые слова. 2. Вчера мне пришлось ответить на эти письма. 3. Виктора тоже пригласить на обед? – Да, сделайте это, пожалуйста. 4. Вам пришлось остаться дома. Потому что была плохая погода? 5. Вы обязательно должны прийти и посмотреть нашу новую квартиру. – С удовольствием. 6. Я рад, что мне не пришлось заканчивать эту работу вчера. 7. Я не люблю поздно ложиться спать, но иногда мне приходится. 8. Можно мне пойти погулять сейчас? – Нет, нельзя. Ты должен скоро ложиться спать. 9. Вам следует навестить вашего друга. Он вчера пришел на урок. 10. Почему ты не пришла? – Я не могла, я должна была помочь маме по дому. 11. Вам не нужно идти в библиотеку, у нас много книг дома, и вы можете взять любую, какую хотите.
10. Времена группы Indefinite, Active
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present , Past , Future Simple :
1. I (to write) an English exercise every day. 2. I (to write) an English exercise yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) yesterday. 4. My friends (not to do) their homework usually. They (to play) volleyball. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework the day before yesterday. They (to play) volleyball. 6. She (to read) tomorrow. 7. She (not to read) often. 8. She (to go) to school every morning. 9. What you (to do) last week? – I (to drink) tea. 10. You (to drink) tea yesterday? – No, I (not to drink) yesterday, I (to eat) a banana. 11. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) a lot. 12. My cat (to play) seldom with a ball. 13. The sun (to shine) and birds (to sing) in the trees every day. 14. You (to eat) ice cream next week? 15. You (to eat) ice cream yesterday? 16. What your father (to do)? 17. What your father (to do) yesterday? 18. Why she (to cry) last night? 19. Why she (to cry) so often?
2. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present , Past, Future Simple:
1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games tomorrow. 3. He seldom (to play) computer games . 4. We (to play) computer games yesterday. 5. My brother (not to play) tennis next week. 6. My sister (not to play) the piano yesterday. She (to play) the violin. 7. We sometimes (to wash) the floor in our flat. 8. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 9. You (not to do) your homework yesterday? 10. Why she (to sleep) so often? 11. He (to sit) at the table yesterday. 12. What Nick (to do) every evening? 13. What you (to do) seldom? 14. I (not to sleep) yesterday.
3. Переведите:
1. Вчера я ходил в кино. 2. Обычно я хожу в кино вечером. 3. Завтра я не пойду в кино. 4. Мы редко ходим в гости. 5. Завтра я напишу письмо другу. 6. Вчера я играла на пианино. 7. Она встает каждое утро в 7 часов. 8. Обычно они не делают домашнюю работу. 9. На следующей недели мы поедем за город. 10. В прошлую пятницу она не ходила в университет. 11. В следующем году мы будем студентами 2 курса. 12. Иногда он говорит по-английски. 13. Я часто хожу в бассейн. 14. Каждое воскресенье она делает домашнее задание. 15. В прошлом году наша семья отдыхала в Таиланде. Мы купались, загорали, ходили в бары. 16. В следующем году мы поедем на Кипр. Мы будем купаться, загорать, ходить на дискотеки. 17. Обычно он не читает книги, но на этой неделе он прочитал две книги. 18. На прошлой недели моя мама испекла торт, так как у неё был день рождений. 19. В следующую пятницу моя мама испечет пирог. 20. Иногда они пекут пироги. 21. По пятницам у меня занятия по английскому языку. 22. В прошлый четверг он не ходил на пляж. Он читал книги. 23. Почему вы встаете в 7 утра? 24. Что он делал на прошлой недели? 25. Вы поедите на море в следующем году? 26. Обычно он встает рано? 27. Вы вчера ходили в бассейн? 28. Вы говорите по-английски? 29. Он может переводить тексты? 30. Она иногда делает уроки? 31. Почему вы не пришли вчера? 32. Когда вы поедите за город? 33. Почему вас вчера не было дома? 34. Он обычно приходит домой в 8 часов вечера? 35. Они не ходили на прошлой неделе в кино? 36. Она пойдет завтра в кино? 37. Она ходит в кино каждый день?
11. Времена группы Continuous, Active
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя в Present Continuous или Past Continuous :
1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 4. My friends (not to do) their homework now. They (to play) volleyball. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o’clock yesterday. They (to play) volleyball. 6. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 7. She (not to read) now. 8. Now she (to go) to school. 9. What you (to do) now? – I (to drink) tea. 10. You (to drink) tea at this time yesterday? – No, I (not to drink) tea at this time yesterday, I (to eat) a banana. 11. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, and now she (to read) again. 12. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 13. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and birds (to sing) in the tress. 14. You (to eat) ice cream now? 15. You (to eat) ice cream when I rang you up yesterday? 16. What your father (to do) now? 17. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 18. Why she (to cry) now? 19. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous :
1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday. 3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. My brother (not to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 6. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 7. When I came into the kitchen, my mother (to cook). 8. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 9. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 10. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 11. Why she (to sleep) at seven o’clock yesterday? 12. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday. 13. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? 14. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 15. I (not to sleep) at nine o’clock yesterday.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present , Past , Future Simple ; Present , Past Continuous .
А . I (to apply) for a visit visa and (to want) to make two journeys to your country while the visa (to be) valid. 2. I (to look) for a nice pair of gloves. 3. I (to check) the battery? – Yes, please. 4. He (to get) a higher salary. They (to listen) to the news on the radio when the telephone (to ring). 5. My train (to leave) in half an hour. – OK, I (to drive) you to the station in my car. 6. Nowadays cars (to get) more and more expensive.
В . A father and his son (to travel) home in a car. It (to snow) and a strong wind (to blow). As they (to go) over a bridge, they (to hear) a loud bang and the father (to lose) control of the car. They (to be) injured and their lives (to be) in great danger. A helicopter (to take) the father and the boy to hospital and they (to be) saved. Now, the happy father (to look) at his son and (to say) to him: “I never (to drive) my car when it (to snow). T (to promise) you. It (to be) very dangerous to drive when it (to be) so slippery.”
4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:
1. I went to the cinema yesterday. 2. I was going to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 3. I was going to the cinema when you met me. 4. I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I was doing my homework when mother came home. 6. I did my homework yesterday. 7. I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I was doing my homework at six o’clock yesterday. 9. I played the piano yesterday. I wrote a letter to my friend. 10. I will be playing the piano at four o’clock tomorrow. I will be reading a book. 11. He will be sleeping when father comes home tomorrow. 12. When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They were talking and laughing, too. I was still laughing when we came to school. After school I told this story at home. My father and mother liked it very much. 13. We will be playing in the garden the whole day. 14. I am reading the story at this moment. 15. She will be translating the text from five till eight tomorrow.
5 . Переведите:
1. Весь день завтра мы будем смотреть телевизор. 2. Вчера я писал сочинение весь вечер, а сейчас пишу письмо другу. 3. Моя мама читала, когда я пришла домой. 4. Дети хорошо проводили время в саду, играя с утра до вечера. 5. На данный момент я работаю над переводом. 6. Завтра весь вечер я буду читать. 7. Когда я шел по улице, то встретил друга. Он шел и разговаривал с кем-то.
12. Времена группы Perfect, Active
1. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple или Past Simple:
1. What you (to do) here at such a late hour? You (to write) your composition? – No, I (to write) it already. I (to work) at my report. – And when you (to write) your composition? – I (to finish) it two days ago. 2. I say: «Tom, let’s have dinner.» – No, thank you. I already (to have) dinner. 3. What the weather (to be) like? It still (to rain)? – No, it (to stop) raining. 4. Please give me a pencil. I (to lose) mine. 5. I (not to meet) Peter since Monday. 6. Nina just (to finish) work. 7. Where Sergey (to be)? – He (to go) home. He (to leave) the room a minute ago. 8. What you (to read) now? – I (to read) “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte. 9. They (to read) “Ivanhoe” by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? You (to read) “Ivanhoe”?
2. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен : Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect:
1. Don’t go to Nick’s place now, he (to work). He (to finish) his homework at seven o’clock. If you (to come) after seven, he (to be) very glad. 2. Pete (to go) to the cinema? – Yes, I (to think) so. He usually (to play) in the yard at this time, and now he (not to be) there. 3. He (to read) a book at five o’clock yesterday. 4. You (to go) for a walk with me? – I (to be) sorry, I can’t. I (to do) my homework. I (not yet to write) the English exercise. If you (to wait) for me, I (to go) with you in half an hour. I (to want) to go for a walk very much, because I (not to go) for a walk yesterday. 5. Yesterday the children (to do) all their homework before mother (to come) home, and when she (to come), they (to play) with the cat. 6. I (to lose) my key when I (to play) in the yard yesterday. 7. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 8. Where you usually (to take) books for reading?
3. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен : Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect:
1. Mike (to eat) ice cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice cream now. When I (to see) him in the morning, he (to eat) ice cream, too. He (to say) he (to eat) one ice cream already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice cream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say): “Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door.” “If you (not to find) it”, said Pete, “we (to have) to wait for mother in the street.” 3. When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the ship (to cross) the ocean a great storm (to break) out.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Indefinite , Future Continuous или Future Perfect :
1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow. 2. I (to do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 3. I (to do) my homework by 6 o’clock tomorrow, my family (to have) supper. 4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework by the time you come. 5. Don’t come to place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening. 7. What you (to do) tomorrow? 8. What you (to do) at * o’clock tomorrow? 9. You (to play) chess tomorrow?
13. Время: Настоящее совершенное длительное
( T he P resent P erfect C ontinuous)
1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple , Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous :
1. a) Мой папа работает в институте.
b) Мой папа работает в институте с 1995 года.
2. a) Моя бабушка готовит обед.
b) Моя бабушка готовит обед с двух часов.
3. a) Моя сестра спит.
b) Моя сестра спит с пяти часов.
4. a) Моя мама убирает квартиру.
b) Мама убирает квартиру с утра.
5. a) Дедушка смотрит телевизор.
b) Дедушка смотрит телевизор с шести часов.
6. a) Мой дядя пишет стихи.
b) Мой дядя пишет стихи с детства.
7. a) Она читает.
b) Она читает с утра.
8. a) Они играют в волейбол.
b) Они играют в волейбол с детства.
9. a) Мы изучаем английский язык.
b) Мы изучаем английский язык с 1998 года.
2. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous:
1. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books. 2. What you (to do) here since morning? 3. Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they (to cook) dinner together. 4. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 5. What they (to do) now? – They (to work) in the reading room. They (to work) there for already three hours. 6. Where he (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volleyball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time. 7. I (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1990. 8. This is the factory where my father (to work). He (to work) here for fifteen years. 9. You (to find) your notebook? – No! I still (to look) for nit. I already (to look) for it for two hours, but (not yet to find) it. 10. You (to play) with a ball for already three hours. Go home and do your homework. 11. Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already. 12. I (to wait) for a month already, but (not yet to receive) it. 13. She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it. 14. I (to wait) for you since two o’clock. 15. What you (to do)? – I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages. 16. It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I (not to hear) it. 17. I just (to receive) a letter from my granny, but I (not yet to receive) any letters from my parents. 18. The weather (to be) fine today. The sun (to shine) ever since we got up. 19. Every day I (to wind) up my watch at 10 o’clock in the evening. 20. Come along, Henry, what you (to do) now? I (to wait) for you a long time. 21. Where your gloves (to be)? – I (to put) them into my pocket. 22. I (to stay) with some American friends in Chicago. I (to stay) with them for two weeks now. I (to have) a great time here. I (to take) the opportunity to improve my English. I already (to see) the towering skyscrapers of Chicago, which are reflected in the rippling water of Lake Michigan. I just (to take) a picture of Chicago’s Sears Tower which (to rise) 1,707 feet and (to provide) a panoramic view from the sky deck. 23. I (to go) to give that cat some food. I (to be) sure it (to starve). – But Jane already (to feed) the cat. You needn’t do it.
14. Страдательный залог ( The Passive Voice )
1. Переведите, обращая внимание на залог:
A . 1. He left for Moscow. 2. The news will be of great interest. 3. They were speaking to him. 4. She studied many subjects. 5. He was much spoken about. 6. New subjects will be studied next term. 7. I am working now. 8. The text has already been written by them. 9. He studies at our school. 10. You are playing chess, aren’t you? 11. The text is being translated at the moment. 12. Do you work at this lab? 13. When I saw him, he was going home. 14. They will have passed their exams by 3 o’clock. 15. This book was written by our teacher. 16. We shall be written our tests at 10 o’clock. 17. The work will have been done when he comes. 18. We translated this text. 19. The letter had been written before we came. 20. We shall inform you. 21. These toys are made in Japan.
B . 1. They can be seen in our library every day. 2. The delegation is headed by the Prime Minister. 3. The child was often left home alone. 4. These houses were built last year. 5. All letters had been written when we came. 6. This film is much spoken about. 7. The machine is being tested now. 8. His work has been already finished. 9. I was told to wait for him. 10. Your letter will have been answered by Monday. 11. The experiment was being carried out from ten till twelve o’clock. 12. Children under sixteen will not be admitted here.
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени и залоге:
1. I’m not reading these books today. They (return) to the library. 2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 3. Why your home task (not do)? 4. She was taken to the hospital today, and (operate) tomorrow morning. 5. This room (use) only on special occasions. 6. Bicycles must not (leave) here. 7. This newspaper (not read). The pages (cut). 8. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 9. Usually this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 10. This book (leave) in the classroom yesterday; it (find) by the teacher. 11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 12. This room (not use), for a long time. 13. The children are very excited this morning. They (take) to the circus this afternoon.
3. Переведите, используя нужный залог:
A . 1. Эта книга была прочитана всеми. 2. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 3. Ее часто спрашивают? 4. На ваш вопрос ответят завтра. 5. Текст переводился вчера с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что завершена нами. 7. Эти книги уже будут опубликованы к концу года. 8. Наша контрольная работа сейчас проверяется? 9. О новой книге будут много говорить. 10. В нашем городе сейчас строится много новых зданий. 11. Ключи были утеряны вчера. 12. Мальчика возьмут в кино. 13. Вам сказали об этом? 14. Телеграмма уже получена?
B . 1. Он сказал мне, что текст будет переведен к 10 часам завтра. 2. Все картины, которые вы здесь видите, написаны одним и тем же художником. 3. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 4. Работа будет закончена в срок. 5. За доктором послали? Сделайте это как можно скорее. У ребенка высокая температура. 6. Эта книжка была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым. 7. Сотни новых домов будут построены к концу этого года. 8. Эта история давно забыта всеми.
15. Герундий (The Gerund)
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий:
1. Watching football matches can be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football. 2. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 3. Can you remember having seen the man before? 4. She was terrified of having spoken to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 5. He was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him. 6. After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them. 7. I wondered at my mother’s having allowed the journey. 8. I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 9. Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it. 10. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining-room. 11. On being told the news she turned pale. 12. The place is worth visiting.
2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий:
1. I avoided speaking to them about that matter. 2. She burst out crying. 3. They burst out laughing. 4. She denied having been at home that evening. 5. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of traveling. 6. Excuse my leaving you at such a moment. 7. Fancy seeing her in tears! 8. Please forgive my interfering. 9. He gave up smoking a few years ago. 10. They went on talking. 11. He keeps insisting on my going to the south. 12. Oh, please, do stop laughing at him. 13. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 14. Would you mind coming again in a day or two? 15. I don’t mind wearing this dress. 16. She could not help smiling. 17. I cannot put off doing this translation.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий в активной или пассивной форме:
1. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me? 2. She tried to avoid (to speak) to. 3. The doctor insisted on (to send) the sick man to hospital. 4. The child insisted on (to send) home at once. 5. Do you mind him (to examine) by a heart specialist? 6. He showed no sign of (to recognize) me. 7. She showed no sign of (to surprise). 8. He had a strange habit of (to interfere) in other people’s business. 9. I was angry at (to interrupt) every other moment. 10. He was always ready for (to help) people. 11. He was very glad of (to help) in the difficulty. 12. On (to allow) to leave the room the children immediately ran out into the yard and began (to play). 13. In (to make) this experiment they came across some very interesting phenomena. 14. The results of the experiment must be checked and re-checked before (to publish). 15. The watch requires (to repair). 16. The problem is not worth (to discuss).
4. Переведите, используя герундий:
1. Он никогда не соглашался отправиться в такое опасное путешествие. 2. Он не одобрял ее пристрастие к кофе. 3. Учитель математики не одобрял фантазии детей. 4. Все в моей жизни зависит от твоей любви ко мне. 5. Я не думаю, что его видел. 6. Я настаивал на том, чтобы мне рассказали правду. 7. Похоже, что дитя плакало. 8. Если вы не возражаете, то я открою окно. 9. Похоже будет дождь. 10. Моему другу удалось перевести текст. 11. Я предлагаю прочитать этот текст. 12. Бедняки благодарили Робин Гуда за помощь. 13. Мы очень хотим видеть вас. 14. Она всегда жаловалась на недомогание. 15. Перед отправлением нужно присесть. 16. После проведения эксперимента, ученые пошли в конференц-зал. 17. После того, как вопрос был обсужден, о нем все забыли.
16. Причастия : The Participle I, The Participle II
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I , Participle II :
1. a) A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.
b) He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.
c) When sending the telegram she forgot to write her name.
2. a) Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.
b) The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
c) While putting the eggs into the basket she broke one of them.
3. a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
b) A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.
c) Taking a dictionary, he began translating the text.
4. a) A line seen through this crystal looks double.
b) A teacher seeing a mistake in a student’s dictation always corrects it.
c) Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: “Fire! Fire!”
5. a) The word said by the student was not correct.
b) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying good-bye to his friends is a well-known musician.
2. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Participle или Perfect Participle :
1. (to live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg’s White Nights in summer. 2. (to talk) to her neighbor in the street, she did not notice how a thief stole her money. 3. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf. 4. (to buy) some juice and cakes, we went home. 5. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very warm. 6. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 7. (to do) his homework, he went for a walk. 8. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hopping to see his friends. 9. (to sell) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 10. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of tea. 11. (to drink) tea, she scalded her lips. 12. (to run) in the yard, I fell and hurt my knee. 13. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs. 14. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.
3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:
1. You can set your mind at ease, all being well. 2. There being no chance of escape, the thief was arrested on the spot. 3. Oliver knocked weakly at the door and, all his strength failing him, sank near the door. 4. The bridge having been swept away by the flood, the train was late. 5. There being little time left, they hired a cab to get to the theatre in time. 6. It being cold and damp, a fire was lighted for the weary travelers to warm themselves by. 7. It being pretty late, they decided to postpone their visit. 8. The hour being late, she hastened home. 9. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker. 10. The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat. 11. The weather having changed, we decided to stay where we were. 12. The weather being very warm, the closet window was left open. 13. And the wind having dropped, they set out to walk. 14. The vessel being pretty deep in the water and the weather being calm, there was but little motion. 15. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was very low.
17. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)
1. Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо:
1. I like … play the guitar. 2. My brother can … speak French. 3. We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold. 4. They wanted … cross the river. 5. It is high time for you … go to bed. 6. May I … use your telephone? 7. They heard the girl … cry out with joy. 8. I would rather … stay at home today. 9. He did not want … play in the yard any more. 10. Would you like … go to England? 11. You look tired. You had better … go home. 12. I wanted … speak to Nick, but could not … find his telephone number. 13. It is time … get up. 14. Let me … help you with your homework. 15. I was planning … do a lot of things yesterday. 16. I’d like … speak to you. 17. I think I shall be able … solve this problem. 18. What makes you … think you are right? 19. I shall … do all I can … help you. 20. I like … dance. 21. I’d like … dance. 22. She made me … repeat my words several times. 23. I saw him … enter the room. 24. She did not let mother … go away. 25. Do you like … listen to good music? 26. Would you like … listen to good music? 27. That funny scene made me … laugh.
2. Замените выделенные части предложений инфинитивными оборотами:
1. I have no books which I can read . 2. Is there anybody who will help you with your spelling? 3. Don’t forget that she has a baby which she must take care of . 4. Have you got nothing that you want to say on this subject? 5. There was nothing that he could do except go home. 6. I have only a few minutes in which I can explain these words to you. 7. I have an examination which I must take soon, so I can’t go to the theatre with you. 8. King Lear decided to have a hundred knights who would serve him after he had divided up his kingdom.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива:
1. I hope (to see) you soon. 2. We expect (to be) back in two days. 3. He expected (to help) by his friends. 4. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 5. He seems (to read) since morning. 6. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 7. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here. 8. I am sorry (to break) my pen.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива:
1. I hate (to bother) you, but the student are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 3. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and (not to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 6. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 7. The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defense lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 8. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 9. You seem (to look) for trouble. 10. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 11. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door. 12. Perhaps it would upset her (to tell) the truth of the matter. 13. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 14. The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom. 15. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 16. They seemed (to wait) for ages.
18. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное подлежащее
(Complex Subject)
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее:
1. Many books are known to be published in our country every year. 2. You are supposed to graduate in four years. 3. Radium is said to be very radioactive. 4. This device was known to have been designed in that laboratory. 5. His invention is considered to be of great importance. 6. The sun is known to represent a mass of compressed gases. 7. The new rocket is reported to go into operation next year. 8. This type rocket is supposed to have many advantages. 9. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. 10. The helium atom was found to have two electrons. 11. I did not know what I was expected to say to that, so I said nothing. 12. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 13. He is said to be a good translator. 14. Roberta was known to be an honest and hardworking girl. 15. Clyde was expected to arrive at the weekend. 16. Becky and Tom were supposed to have stayed at the widow Douglas’. 17. The number of the unemployed is reported to be increasing with every year. 18. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 19. The Moscow Underground is said to be the finest in the world. 20. A hare is known to run very fast. 21. The man was seen to take off his coat. 22. The diamond content of the mines in Western Yakutia is said to be in no way inferior to that of the world-famous South Africa mines. 23. That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River. 24. These devices are considered to be very effective.
2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее:
1. Money just doesn’t happen to interest me. 2. In the middle of the lecture Dr. Sommerville happened to pause and look out of the window. 3. From the very first mention of Long John, I was afraid that he might turn out to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at the inn. 4. Clyde seemed to have been thinking of no one else but Sondra since their last meeting. 5. Clyde appeared to have forgotten of his promise to spend his spare evenings with Roberta. 6. She appeared to be an excellent actress. 7. One day a Hare happened to meet a Tortoise. 8. The Tortoise seemed to be moving very slowly. 9. The Hare turned out to be the loser of the race. 10. The apparatus seemed to be in excellent condition. 11. You appear to have found in him something that I have missed. 12. This work seems to take much time. 13. The operation seemed to be a complicated one. 14. The new methods of work appear to be very effective. 15. The percentage of carbon in this steel turned out to be low. 16. Irving turned out to be a long, pale-faced fellow. 17. His office turned out to be in one of the back streets. 18. He appeared to be an ideal man. 19. She doesn’t seem to want to do anything I suggest. 20. He turned out to have no feeling whatever for his nephew. 21. This appeared to amuse the policeman. 22. You can easily get in through the window if the door happens to be locked. 23. The peasants did not seem to see her. 24. The Gadfly seemed to have taken a dislike to Signora Grassini from the time of their first meeting. 25. You don’t seem to have done any great thing to yourself by going away. 26. “Jim,” he said at last, in a voice that did not seem to belong to him.
19. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное дополнение
(Complex Object)
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на оттенки значений сложного дополнения в зависимости от того, выражена ли его вторая часть причастием или инфинитивом:
1. He felt her arm slipping through his. 2. She felt her hands tremble. 3. Now and then he could hear a car passing. 4. He felt his heart beat with joy. 5. He felt his heart beating with joy. 6. She could hear her father walking up and down the picture gallery. 7. We saw him cross the street looking to the left and to the right. 8. I felt the wind blowing through a crack in the wall. 9. We stood on deck and watched the sun going down. 10. I heard him playing the piano in the house. 11. It is nice to see people enjoying themselves. 12. We watched the planes circling above us. 13. Nobody noticed him come in and sit down. 14. I felt Nick put his hand on my shoulder. 15. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. 16. I was so weak that I felt my knees shaking.
2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение:
1. He wanted his letters sent once. 2. I don’t want my papers looked through. 3. She did not want her child taken to hospital. 4. She gave him some papers and said that the client wanted them signed. 5. The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well. 6. Would you like your luggage carried upstairs? 7. I want a bedroom prepared for my guest. 8. If you want things done well, do them yourself. 9. I should very much like it to be made clear to me. 10. The traveler entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.
3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение:
1. They had some dinner brought. 2. She had the children looked after in the evening when she went out. 3. Ellen had her needle threaded for her as her eyesight was getting worse and worse. 4. I must have these shoes mended. 5. I shall have my son taught music. 6. The planters had the trees in the jungle cut down. 7. I shall have your taxi kept at the door. 8. I shall have your things brought up and unpacked at once. 9. I must have my hair cut tomorrow. 10. I have just had my photograph taken and thought you might like to get one. 11. I meant to have this dress altered but I never did. 12. She has had no photographs of herself taken since her childhood. 13. Have this carpet spread on the floor.
4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение:
1. Я хочу, чтобы все дети смеялись. 2. Я хочу, чтобы все это прочитали. 3. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы доктор посмотрел его. 4. Дети хотели, чтобы я рассказал им сказку. 5. Я не хочу, чтобы она знала об этом. 6. Он хотел, чтобы его друг пошел с ним. 7. Мой брат хочет, чтобы я изучила испанский язык. 8. Я бы хотел, чтобы мои ученики хорошо знали английский язык. 9. Я не хочу, чтобы ты получил плохую оценку. 10. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы они опоздали. 11. Я не хотела, чтобы вы меня ждали. 12. Она бы хотела, чтобы ее брат получил первый приз. 13. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочли эту книгу. 14. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы приехали к нам. 15. Она хотела, чтобы ее сын хорошо закончил школу. 16. Им бы хотелось, чтобы мы проиграли игру. 17. Она не хотела, чтобы я уехал в Москву. 18. Я бы не хотел, чтобы вы потеряли мою книгу. 19. Папа хочет, чтобы я была пианисткой. 20. Мы хотим, чтобы этот артист приехал к нам в школу. 21. Вам бы хотелось, чтобы я рассказал вам эту историю? 22. Хотите, я дам вам мой словарь?
20. Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech)
Согласование времён в косвенной речи (Sequence of Tenses)
1. Передайте следующие повелительные предложения в косвенной речи:
1. The teacher said to me: “Hand this note to your parents, please.” 2. Oleg said to his sister: “Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate.” 3. “Please help me with this work, Henry,” said Robert. 4. “Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress. 5. “Don’t worry over such a small thing,” she said to me. 6. “Please don’t mention it to anybody,” Mary said to her friend. 7. “Promise to come and see me,” said Jane to Alice. 8. He said to us: “Come here tomorrow.” 9. I said to Mike: “Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.” 10. Father said to me: “Don’t stay there long.” 11. Peter said to them: “Don’t leave the room until I come back.” 12. “Take my luggage to Room 145,” he said to the porter. 13. He said to me: “Ring me up tomorrow.” 14. “Bring me a cup of black coffee,” she said to the waiter. 15. “Don’t be late for dinner,” said mother to us. 16. Jane said to us: “Please tell me all you know about it.”
2. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи:
1. He said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle.” 2. “I am going to the theatre tonight,” he said to me. 3. Mike said: “I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.” 4. He said to her: “I shall do it today if I have time.” 5. I said to them: “I can give you my uncle’s address.” 6. Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.” 7. He said: “I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.” 8. Misha said: “I saw them at my parent’s house last year.” 9. He said: “I haven’t seen my cousin today.” 10. “I don’t go to this shop very often,” she said. 11. The mother said: “The children are in the nursery, doctor.” 12. “I have no time for lunch today,” said the boy to his mother. 13. “You speak English very well,” said the woman to me. 14. My brother said to me: “I am going to become a doctor.” 15. My uncle said to us: “I buy several newspaper every day.”
3. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи:
1. Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?” 2. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?” 3. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?” 4. She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?” 5. Boris said to them: “How can I get to the railway station?” 6. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?” 7. She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?” 8. She asked me: “What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?” 9. I said to Nick: “Where are you going?” 10. I said to him: “How long are you going to stay there?”
4. Передайте следующие общие вопросы в косвенной речи:
1. I said to Mike: “Have you packed your suitcase?” 2. I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the station?” 3. I said to her: “Can you give me their address?” 4. I asked Tom: “Have you had breakfast?” 5. I asked my sister: “Will you stay at home or go for a walk after dinner?” 6. I said to my mother: “Did anybody come to see me?” 7. I asked my sister: “Will Nick call for you on the way to school? 8. She said to the young man: “Can you call a taxi for me?” 9. Mary said to Peter: “Have you shown your photo to Dick?” 10. Oleg said to me: “Will you come here tomorrow?” 11. He said to us: “Did you go to the museum this morning?”
21. Сослагательное наклонение ( The Subjunctive Mood )
1. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения I , II и III типов:
1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 2. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party. 3. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to tall) at the examination. 5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 2. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter. 3. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 4. If my sister does not to go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together. 5. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician. 6. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home. 7. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor. 8. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful for coat. 9. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay at home. 10. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 11. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 12. I (to write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If you (not to buy) coffee, we shall drink tea. 2. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party. 3. My brother would not have missed so many lessons if he (not to hurt) his leg. 4. If my friend (to work) in my office, we should meet every day. 5. If you spoke English every day, you (to improve) your language skills. 6. If you get a “five”, your mother (to be) happy. 7. If she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left. 8. If these shoes were not too big for me, I (to buy) them. 9. If you (to ring) me up, I shall tell you a secret. 10. If you (to be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 11. If he did not read so much, he (not to know) English literature so well.
4. Переведите, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. Если бы он не был так близорук, он бы узнал меня вчера в театре. 2. Вы бы много знали, если бы регулярно читали этот журнал. 3. Если бы они были богаты, они бы давно купили бы машину. 4. Если бы я знал французский, то давно бы с ней поговорил. 5. Если завтра вы придете в школу, то увидите моего нового друга. 6. Если бы он был умнее, то не пошел бы вчера в лес. 6. Если бы она не читала так много, она бы не была такой умной. 7. Если мой друг будет завтра дома, он скажет, что делать. 8. Если он не сдаст экзамен, то не получит стипендию. 9. Если бы она мне не помогла, я был бы в затруднительной ситуации. 10. Мой папа имел бы больше свободного времени, если бы не читал журналы. 11. Если бы вы мне дали знать, я пошел бы туда немедленно. 12. Если бы он пришел к нам вчера, он встретил бы много моих друзей.
22. Словообразование WORD BUILDING
1. Переведите, обращая внимание на
суффиксы существительных:
Inclusion - включение
Generator - генератор
Attachment - прикрепление
Regularity - регулярность
Creature - создание
Difference -различие,
Insistence- __________________
Dependence- ________________
Correspondence- _____________
Resistance- __________________
Assistance- __________________
Blackness - чернота
Opening -открытие
Суффиксы прилагательных:
Communicative - общительный
Central - центральный
Reproducible - воспроизводимый
Monotonous - монотонный
Different - различный
Beautiful - красивый
Aimless - бесцельный
Cubic - кубический
Суффиксы глаголов:
To vaporize - испарять
To characterize-__________
To oxidize-______________
To criticize-_____________
To realize-______________
To magnetize-____________
To fraternize-____________
To generalize-____________
Суффикс наречия:
Freely - свободно
To re read - пересчитывать
To reform-____________
To recover-____________
To redo-______________
To reelect-____________
To reestablish-__________
Un known - неизвестный
2. Найди в каждом ряду существительное:
1. a) developing b)developed c) development d) develop
2. a) provide b) providing c) provision d) provided
3. a) attend b) attention c) attentive d) attending
4. a) knowledge b) smaller c) know d) knows
5. a) better b) keep c) keeper d) kept
6. a) finder b) finding c) finds d) harder
7. a) build b) better c) built d) builder
8. a) behavior b) therefore c) until d) think
9. a) possible b) other c) realize d) influence
10. a) quite b)way c) equip d)later
3. Найдите в каждом ряду прилагательное:
1. a) probably b)property c) probable d) properly
2. a) suddenly b) different c) degree d) during
3. a) excellent b) member c) enough d) explanation
4. a) dangerous b) danger c) determine d) discovery
5. a) changes b) consideration c) consist d) changeable
6. a) decision b) decide c)decisive d) divide
7. a) possible b) probably c) opportunity d) provide
8. a) simplicity b) shake c) scientific d) schedule
9. a) production b) produce c) productive d) provision
10. a) attends b) admission c) achievement d) attentive
4. Прочитайте каждое из следующих слов, определите, к какой части речи оно относится и от какого слова образовано. Переведите каждое слово:
durability dangerous replacement
stormy movement quantitative
indifferent simplicity entrance
dwelling irregular flyer
appearance weakness hardly
influential distant bravely
development slowly traveler
mainly weightlessness different
thickness supposition necessity
historic islander happiness
reasonable promotion
5. Найдите в правой колонке перевод слов, приведенных в левой:
1. поселение a) settle b) settlement c) settler d) settles
2. независимость a) dependence b) independent c) depend d) independence
3. здание a) builder b) builds c) building d) build
4. реставрация a) restoration b) restorative c) restore d) restores
5. содействующий a) promote b) promoting c) promotion d) promotes
6. замененный a) replacement b) place c) replace d) replaced
7. значение a)mean b) meaning c) meant d) means
8. предположение a) supposes b) suppose c) supposed d) supposition
9. летчик a) flyer b) fly c) flight d) flying
10.мощный a)power b) powerless c) powerful d) proper
11.медленно a) slower b)slowly c) slow d) slowest
12.вес a) weighty b) weightlessness c) weight d) weightless
23. Предлоги (Prepositions)
1. Заполните пропуски предлогами места или времени:
It was 7 o’clock (1) … a cold morning (2) … January. She was still asleep. She usually stayed (3) … bed (4) … about 9 o’clock (5) … winter.
Suddenly she was woken up by a knocking at the door. She got (6) … bed and went (7) … the door. There was a man (8) … the doorstep. She thought she recognized him. “Hello, Edna,” he said. “It’s Tom. Can I come (9) …?” And then she knew who it was but she didn’t quite believe it. She hadn’t seen him (10) … thirty years, (11) … the summer of !($) when she’d said goodbye to him the night (12) … his final departure. That was when he went off (13) … war. It was two years (14) … that when she received the letter (15) … The War Office which said that Tom had been missing (16) … some time and was now presumed dead. She kept on hoping that they were wrong right up (17) … the end of the war. But then she gave up. (18) … Then, she’d continued to think of Tom every day. (19) … his birthday, she always stayed (20) … home all day because she couldn’t bear to meet anybody. She’d met Tom (21) … the age of sixteen and they’d had a wonderful time together (22) … the start of the war. She was nineteen when war broke out and they had been together (23) … three years. They were going to get married (24) … the war.
2. Выберете из скобок нужный предлог:
1. They ran (across/opposite) the road.
2. We had a picnic on the hill (over/above) the town.
3. He put the ladder (against/up) the wall.
4. The snake moved quietly (through/across) the tall grass.
5. The mouse ran quickly (across/through) the path.
6. The cat walked slowly (on top of/ along) the wall.
7. We sat (on top of/along) the cliffs and watched the sea.
8. Someone pushed a letter (under/below) the door.
9. She drove (between/through) the gates.
10. I held the parcel (behind/past) my back.
11. They walked (in front of/past) the school gate.
12. I pushed my bike (over/above) the bridge.
13. The bank clerk stood (against/towards) the wall.
14. We waited (down/under) a tree.
15. I put my suitcase (on top of/ over) the wardrobe.
3. Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами:
1. The dog ran … the tree five or six times. 2. We flew slowly … the suburbs of Paris. 3. I moved the baby … the fire. 4. The policeman went … the crowd and arrested a young man. 5. If you put some money … here, the machine will start. 6. They had nowhere to stay, so they slept … a bridge. 7. The town hall is … the library and the museum. 8. We watched the soldiers as they walked … our house on the way to the ship. 9. They ran out of the dressing-room … the football pitch. 10. London is … the south-east of England. 11. The dog stood … the door and waited. 12. They walked hand-in-hand … the side of the canal. 13. I held the rucksack … my back. 14. The cat jumped … my arms and ran away. 15. I threw the stone … to the sea. 16. The bottles fell … the lorry and rolled … the hill. 17. We crawled … a hole in the fence. 18. What have you got … your hand?
1. Транскрипция
Чтобы правильно произнести слово, были созданы знаки фонетической транскрипции. Транскрипция помогает правильно читать буквы и их сочетания. Наша речь состоит из звуков. Каждому звуку соответствует знак транскрипции. В английском языке 44 звука. Звуков больше, чем букв в английском алфавите (26 букв).
Звуки бывают гласные и согласные. Гласные звуки бывают долгие и краткие. Долгий гласный звук на письме обозначается знаком [:]. Долгота звука важна, чтобы не ошибиться в значении слова. Например, Ship - гласный звук [i] читается кратко и слово переводится «корабль»; Sheep - гласный звук [i:] читается долго и слово переводится «овца».
Согласные звуки бывают глухие (p, t, k) и звонкие (d, b, g), шипящие и свистящие.
Описание гласных звуков
[i:] - долгое «и» (ива)
[i] - краткое и открытое «и» (игла)
[е] - «е» «э» в словах «шесть», «эти»
[] - «э», но более открытое
[:] - долгое заднее «а», похожее на «а» в ударном слоге «шапка»,
[ ] - краткое, очень короткое «о», «тот»
[ :] - долгое «о», «полно»
[u ] - краткое «у» со слабым округлением губ
[u:] - долгое «у» без сильного выдвижения губ
[ ] - как русское неударное «о» и «а» в словах «мосты», «сады», но английский
звук [] почти всегда стоит под ударением
[]- неясный безударный звук, близкий к []
[:] - произносится как долгое «ё» в словах «Фёкла», «Гёте»
Двугласные (дифтонги)
Дифтонг - это гласный со скользящей артикуляцией, т.е. гласный, при произнесении которого органы речи изменяют свое положение к концу произнесения.
[e]- «эй» [o] - «ой»
[ou]- «оу» [] - «иа»
[a] - «ай» [] - «эа»
[au] - «ау» [u] – «уа»
Описание согласных звуков
[p] - «п» (произносится с аспирацией (придыханием)
[b] - «б»
[m] - «м»
[w] - звук, близкий к «у», но не образующий слога
[f] - «ф»
[v] - «в»
[] - «в» (кончик языка поместить между зубами или у зубов, и произнести русский звук «в» с голосом)
[] - «ф» (кончик языка поместить между зубами или у зубов, и произнести русский звук «ф» без голоса)
[s] - «с»
[z] - «з»
[t] - «т» (произносится с аспирацией; кончик языка находится не у зубов, а у десен
[d] - «д» (кончик языка у десен)
[n] - «н» (кончик языка у десен)
[l] - «л» (кончик языка у десен)
[r] - нераскатистое, очень краткое, слабое «р». Кончик языка немного завернуть назад и находится против той части твердого неба, где производится звук «ж».
[] - мягкое «ш»
[] - мягкое «ж»
[t] - «тч», «ч»
[d] - «дж»
[k] – «к» (произносится с аспирацией)
[g] – «г»
[] – задненебное «н» (произносится не кончиком языка, а задней частью его стенки)
[h] – простой выдох
[j] – слабый «й»
В английском языке 26 букв: 20 согласных и 6 гласных.
Алфавит Гласные (Vowels) Согласные (Consonants)
Aa Nn Aa Bb Rr
Bb Oo Ee Cc Ss
Сс Pp Ii Dd Tt
Dd Qq Oo Ff Vv
Ee Rr Uu Gg Ww
Ff Ss Yy Hh Xx
Gg Tt Jj Zz
Hh Uu Kk
Ii Vv Ll
Jj Ww Mm
Kk Xx Nn
Ll Yy Pp
Mm Zz Qq
Слоги бывают открытые и закрытые .
Открытые слоги оканчиваются на гласную букву ( mo- ; ri- ; de- ); закрытые слоги оканчиваются на согласную букву (буквы) (cat, pen, man).
4типа чтения гласных букв под ударением
Тип чтения |
a [ei] |
o [ou] |
е [i:] |
i [ai] |
y [wai] |
u [ju] |
I (алфавитный) |
[ei] name |
[ou] note |
[i:] be |
[ai] fine |
[ai] my |
[ju] tune |
II (краткий гласный звук) |
[ ] flat |
[ ] not |
[e] pen |
[] sit |
[] myth |
[] cup |
III (гласная+r) |
[a:] large |
[ :] fork |
[:] term |
[:] firm |
[:] Byrd |
[:] fur |
IV (гласная +r+гласная) |
[] Mary |
[ :] more |
[] here |
[] fire |
[] tyre |
[ju:] during |
Основные сочетания согласных и гласных букв
[] – в служебных словах:
th / this, that, the
\ [] – в значимых словах:
thin, thank, fifth
sh [] – she, shop, fish
ch [t] – child, inch, chess
ck [k] – neck, Nick
ng [] – sing, song, ring
nk [] – sink
qu [kw] – question
wr [r] – write
/ [w] – what
\ [h] – who, перед «о» читается «h»
al [ :] – chalk
wo [:] – work
igh [ai] – light
[w ] - want
wa /
\ [w ] – warm
Чтение ударных сочетаний гласных букв
ai Spain
} [ei] {
ay day
ea sea
} [i:] {
ee meet
ew [ju:] new
oi point
} [oi] {
oy boy
oo + k,d [u] book, good
oo [u:] too
ou out
} [au] {
ow brown
ai +r [] chair
ee +r [] engineer
ou +r [u] our
oo +r [ :] door
Чтение некоторых согласных букв
/ [s], перед e, i, y (cent, pencil)
\ [k] (cat, clear)
/ [d] перед e, i, y (gentle, gin, gym)
\ [g] (garden, gate). Исключение : give [giv] – давать, дать
/ [s] в начале слова, перед глух. согласными и в конце слова после
s глухих согласных (send, blocks, desk)
\ [z] между гласными и в конце слов после гласных и звонких
согласных (pens, please)
/ [ks], перед согласными и в конце слова (text, six)
\ [gz], перед ударной гласной (exam)
2. Таблица неправильных глаголов ( Irregular verbs )
abide abode abode пребывать
arise arose arisen возникнуть
awake awoke awoke будить
bear bore born родить(ся)
become became become становиться
befall befell befallen происходить, случаться
begin began begun начинать
behold beheld beheld видеть, замечать
bend bent bent сгибать
bereave bereft bereft лишать
beseech besought besought упрашивать
bet bet bet держать пари
bid bade bidden велеть, просить
bid bid bid просить, велеть
bind bound bound связывать
bite bit bit кусать
bleed bled bled кровоточить
blend blent blent смешивать
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken ломать
breed bred bred выращивать
bring brought brought приносить
burn burnt burnt гореть, жечь
burst burst burst взорваться
buy bought bought покупать
cast cast cast кинуть, лить (металл)
catch caught caught ловить, успевать
choose chose chosen выбирать
cleave cleft cleft рассечь
cling clung clung цепляться, льнуть
come came come приходить
cost cost cost стоить
creep crept crept ползти
crow crew crown кукаректь
cut cut cut резать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело
dig dug dug копать
draw drew drawn рисовать, тащить
dream dreamt dreamt мечтать, сниться
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven вести (машину)
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
find found found находить
flee fled fled бежать
fling flung flung бросить
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
freeze froze frozen мерзнуть
gild gilt gilt золотить
give gave given давать
grind ground ground молоть
grow grew grown расти
hang hung hung вешать, висеть
have had had иметь
hew hewed hewn рубить
hit hit hit попадать в цель
hold held held держать, проводить
hurt hurt hurt ушибить(ся)
keep kept kept держать, хранить
kneel knelt knelt стоять на коленях
knit knit knit вязать
know knew known знать
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести
lean leant leant прислоняться
leap leapt leapt прыгать
learn learnt learnt учить
leave left left покидать, оставлять
let let let позволять
lie lay lain лежать
light lit lit сиять, светить
make made made делать
mean meant meant означать
meet met met встречать
mislead misled misled вводить в заблеждение
mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
mow mowed mown косить
overcome overcame overcome преодолевать
pay paid paid платить
put put put класть
read read read читать
rend rent rent разрывать
ride rode ridden ехать верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подняться
run ran run бежать
saw sawed sawn пилить
say said said сказать
seek sought sought искать
sell sold sold продать
send sent sent посылать
set set set устанавливать
sew sewed sewn шить
shake shook shaken трясти
shear sheared shorn стричь
shed shed shed проливать
shine shone shone светить
shoe shod shod подковывать
shoot shot shot стрелять
show showed shown показывать
shred shred shred резать, рвать
shrink shrank shrunk сжимать(ся)
shrive shrove shriven исповедовать
shut shut shut закрывать
sing sang sung петь
sink sank sunk тонуть
sit sat sat сидеть
sleep slept slept спать
slide slid slid скользить
sling slung slung швырять
slink slunk slunk красться
slit slit slit разрезать в длину
smell smelt smelt пахнуть
smite smote smitten разрушать
sow sowed sown посеять
speak spoke spoken говорить
speed sped sped мчаться
spell spelt spelt произносить по буквам
spend spent spent проводить, тратить
spill spilt spilt пролить
split split split расщеплять
spread spread spread распространять
spring sprang sprung возникать
steal stole stolen красть
stick stuck stuck уколоть, приклеить
sting stung stung ужалить
stink stunk stunk вонять
stride strode stridden шагать
string strung strung нанизывать
strive strove striven натянуть, нанизать
swear swore sworn клясться
sweep swept swept мести
swing swung swung качаться
take took taken брать
teach taught taught учить
tear tore torn рвать
tell told told сказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросать
thrust thrust thrust толкнуть
unbend unbent unbent разгибать
undertake undertook undertaken предпринимать
upset upset upset опрокидывать
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
weep wept wept плакать
win won won выигрывать
wind wound wound заводить (механизм)
withhold withheld withheld
отказывать в чем-либо
wring wrung wrung сжать, скрутить
write wrote written писать
Библиографический список:
1. Агабекян И. П. Английский язык для технических ВУЗов / И. П. Агабекян, П. И Коваленко. - Ростов н/Д, 2002. - 352 с.
2. Англо-русский словарь: 100 тыс. слов и выражений / Сост. проф. В. Ю. Грибовский, М. В. Якимов. - СПб., 2003. - 1024 с.
3. Бонк Н. А. Учебник английского языка / Н. А. Бонк, Г. А. Котий, Н. А. Лукьянова. - Иваново, 1995. - 637 с.
4. Брюсова Н.Г. 2770 упражнений и тестов по английскому языку для школьников и поступающих в вуз / Н. Г. Брюсова, И. М. Васильева. - М., 1999. - 432 с.
5. Голицинский Ю. Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений / Ю. Б. Голицинский. - СПб., 2002. - 544 с.
6. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич.- М., 2000. - 718 с.
7. Коваленко П.И. Английский язык для экономистов / П. И. Коваленко. - М., 2001. - 208 с.
8. Николенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка / Т. Г. Николенко. - М., 1997. - 160 с.
Английский язык
Сборник упражнений
Методические указания для изучения грамматических основ
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Главный редактор Л. А. Суевалова
Редактор Н. Г. Петряева
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